Rocky Mountain Oysters


New member
So, this past weekend I went to the small town where my father-in-law lives and had a night of drinking lots of beer and eating rocky mountain oysters (pork edition). This is the second year I've tried them. I think they taste ok but I usually drink to much with them. This got me thinking if anyone around here every tried smoking them. I'm not sure if they'd be any good other than fried?
I have had them fried and really enjoyed them. But I think this is one protein that I will leave to the experts.

It is an interesting thought though if you are adventurous.
And I thought everyone around here had a sense of adventure! I've seen heads, tongues, etc... This has to be in someone's wheelhouse to experiment with.
When I lived in Freeland mich in my younger years fried nuts where a very nice stable along with a few Beers to boot which actually became a full meal .
Pork Belly said:
Life is short, you should try as many different foods as you can.

I had Haggis ONCE... All I can say is never again. The worst part of it was that the aftertaste took about 12 hours to go away.