Roast Beast!


Some friends from church gave me two Boston butts from hogs that they raise. I was cooking for my son's confirmation reception.

These were by far the biggest butts that I have seen. They came from hogs that were around 500+ pounds as they have told me. One was slightly bigger than the other, but I had no way of weighing them as my regular food scale errored out when I tried. I later thought that I could have used my bathroom scale, but didn't think of it in time. The farmer who gave me the roasts figured they were 25-30lbs each. When I put it on my #3 rack there was only 1-2 inches if room on the edges. The picture below with the ruler is deceiving because it looks like the ruler extends past the edge, but is right at the edge. OK, enough about how big it was. I'm guessing this isn't totally abnormal. But is by far the biggest pork roast I have ever smoked.

I smoked the first one and quickly realized that I would not need the second one, so that one will become Buckboard Bacon (I'll start a new thread for that). We ended up feeding 50-60 people and I still brought back some leftovers.

I used Tony's brine as I always do, Excalibur Smokehouse Seasoning, rubbed with Yellow Mustard. In the smoker on Friday night around Midnight with two tins of Leinenkugel's Summer Sandy beer next to the smoke box with 6.4 ounces of Hickory/Cherry chunks.

It smoked for 20 hours before it hit 195 and I pulled it out, double-wrapped in foil, and then rested in the cooler for 2 hours. We pulled it and filled two large crock pots full of meat. It got down to the lower 30s last night, so we just put the crackpots out on the deck overnight.

This morning I put about 1 cup of water in each crock pot and cooked on high for an hour, low for an hour, then warm until the meal started. The pork got rave reviews and the meal went awesome!


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Holy Porkzilla, Batman!  That's a whopper!!  Man, that's the stuff pork-filled dreams are made of! ;D  What I'd give to take on a bad boy like that.  Good job, Gregg, and congrats on the confirmation! 