Ribs Review


New member
Recently on the other BBQ forum ( I think ) I read that someone had done ribs 3 different ways as a sampler.  So I tried it myself.  I usually so a overnight dry rub consisting of brown sugar, salt, pepper, garlic, onion powder.  Then smoke them in my #3d for 5 hrs.  I like the texture and chewiness that comes with this method.  As a variant this time I did one rack absolutely plain.  No rub, no salt just nothing.  One rack following my normal as noted above and the 3rd. rack with only salt / pepper.    The final texture was as expected in all 3 racks.  The taste, also as expected, varied.  The plain rack was just ..... plain.  Even with some BBQ sauce added at the table it was still just .... plain.  The salt/pepper rack was better but saltier than I like.  Might try it someday again but with less salt.  The pepper flavor was OK.  The overall winner for me was the dry rub and that's what I'll be sticking with in my ribs. 

Love doin RIBS,
ThanX all,
Roger from NJ
...and the trouble with experimenting is you end up wasting 2 perfectly good racks of ribs.  :-[  No worries, though!  Now you know what you really like, and I bet you won't sacrifice any more on the alter of the unknown! :D
Hey Tony.  Trust me,  there was no waste.  None at all.  It was all good just a some a little better than others.  I haven't done a pulled butt yet in my 3d but I plan one or two coming up soon.  I've been busy with ribs and jerky lately and all's well.
Roger, any time you spend with the smoker comparing one thing to another is a good thing!  We all do this, on varying levels, all the time.  The pursuit of knowledge has no boundaries!