Ribs on the Mountain


New member
I'm heading to the mountains east of San Diego early in the morning tomorrow.  My SI2 is already in the truck and three racks of St. Louis style ribs are in the fridge all rubbed up.  I'm going to a friend's property near the top of North Peak which is near Julian and Cuyamaca State Park.  He's got power there and a pad and not much else.  Oh yeah, he has a Scamper parked up there!  I don't know if this will work, but I am going to try to attach a Google Earth Placemark showing the location of this place on satellite photos.  This place is at 5650 feet elevation and has an unobstructed view of the San Diego coastline.  I plan on taking pictures of the smoke with a hell of a backdrop.  I'm going to take some Mojoe pictures as well.  Stay tuned for the pics!

Oh, if you have any quick tips on time and temp for the three racks, let me know ASAP!



Wow that sound like an Epic adventure! Love to see the pics of your travels. I hear that is beautiful county up there. Living in AZ I need to take a trip to CA sometime in the upper area, would be amazing I am sure.
Wow, that sounds great, Cam!  I'm originally from Fullerton, so I know that area (been a helluva long time ago, though).

Go with the "no peeky" method on the spares.  Pull them out of the cooler, and into the smoker at 240 for 5 hours untouched.  Check them at 5 hours, and apply sauce (if you like wet ribs).  I keep mine naked, so no sauce until time to eat!  Check for doneness with a wooden toothipick.  Stick it in the meat next to the bone.  If it's tender going in, that's good.  If you can pull a little meat from the bone without breaking it, they're done!  Ribs "easy button!"  Remember to add a pan of apple juice or beer next to the smoke box!

Can't wait to see the pics!
Hehe.  Cam looks like he has all his teeth, but I may be wrong! ;D  Nods to Dave (Old Sarge) for the method, though!