Rib Question


New member
I have been trying to decide the answer to this question and have found so many different answers. So I decided to put this question to you guys for your opinion. Do you normally put rub on your ribs the night before and let them rest in the fridge over night or do you rub them down just before you put them in the smoker? I have always put rub on mine on the morning of the day I plan to smoke them. I have always been afraid that if I did it the night before that any salt in the rub would pull out all of the moisture from the ribs and dry them out. So what do you do?
I do late night before, they enter the cooking at noon next day.

Sometimes they look wet, but I just dust with more rub.

If you get up at 5:00 AM before a noon or 1:00 PM smoke I'd guess you would have enough time for things to settle.  If you prefer to rub in the AM.

I''ve done both time frames and didn't see/taste any dry difference. 

I just remove ribs from the refrigerator, apply mustard, rub and let sit for 30 minutes before putting in the smoker.

Jimmy,  I have did them both, the night before and the last minute. What I use the most if I have the time is rub, wrap in cling wrap and put in the fridge for 3 or 4 hours, seems to let the sugars and spices dissolve some and makes for nice bark.
Hey Jimmy, When I smoked my ribs I did the mustard and rub around 9:00 pm the night before. I started smoking them around 10:00 am the next day. Seems like most of the recipes I read here did the night before. Mine were very moist and juicy...
I rub the night before and let them get happy in the fridge over night...wrapped in seran wrap.  I think this gives the rub time to absorb into the meat
Depends on when I get the ribs and when I'm smoking. If I buy them prior to smoking day I rub, wrap and fridge over night, though mostly because I just can't resist the temptation to do some prep. For me the prep is part of the fun. However, if I'm a little behind the power curve I buy them the same day I'm smoking then I'll rub as soon as I get them home. Honestly, I haven't seen noticeable differences with either method.
I have done it both ways, always (rest. depot/bb) 6 racks for sharing. I use Olive oil, Memphis dust or JD bacon rub (didn't like famous Dave's), stack and roll up in kitchen trash bag, fridge overnight. I may need to try the mustard but everyone loves these. This SI #2 is a great smoker !!!
I have always used EVOO on ribs with the rub.  Today, though, I decided to go the mustard route and see how the ribs make out.  I rubbed them down yesterday afternoon so they had overnight in the fridge.  On the smoker today at 12:30 with two baked potatoes, anticipating dinner around 6:30.