Rib Placement

OK, so it has been a while since I have done ribs.  I did the usual prep work (remove membrane, coat with mustard, cover with rub, wrap with plastic wrap and overnight in fridge), and as I was putting them in the #2, I had a question.  Since I have a #2, the racks of ribs (there are 2) had to be cut in half, and I noticed that each rack had a half that was thicker with meat, and a half that was thinner.  So my question is, should I A) put one thin and one thick half on each of 2 shelves, or B) have both thick halves on the top shelf (which presumably is hotter since hot air rises) and the thin halves below; or C) have the thinner halves on top, and the thicker halves on the second shelf, so that they are closer to the heat source?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks
Wow, talk about consensus!  OK, thin on top it is.  Thanks for the info, and the explanation that the thicker ones below will act as a heat shield/sink. That makes total sense.

Smoke on!