Rib Hooks in #1?


New member
I am wondering if the rib hooks work in the #1. If they do, how many racks of ribs might fit.
I'm thinking of taking advantage of the current special and finally stop procrastinating.
Thank you, Fred
I don't recall anyone posting positive results of Rib Hooks in any SI model. To me the small after market racks that let you stand up multiple racks or half racks of ribs are more practical than rib hooks.

I encourage you to just pull the trigger on the purchase, hooks or no hooks.
I agree with Brian.  While the free hooks are a nice incentive, they are secondary to the smoker itself. I saw in the intro section that you are trying to decide on a 1 or a 2. If you can afford the 2, go that route just for the extra capacity.
Thank you Brian and David for your replies. I did not think that the rib hooks would work in the #1 very well, if at all.
The racks that Brian mentioned would make more sense. I did try to find in the #1 section, any mention of the hooks in use and did not see anything.
I am of the school that bigger is better, LOL, and would like a lot bigger unit than the 1 or the 2. I just can't justify it to myself. Normally would smoke for 3 to 5 people.
I'll wait for the next special and keep saving money.
Thanks again!
pelallito said:
I am of the school that bigger is better, LOL, and would like a lot bigger unit than the 1 or the 2. I just can't justify it to myself. Normally would smoke for 3 to 5 people.

Fred... if it's useful to you at all...  I also typically smoke for 3 to 5 people.  (Honestly, I often smoke with the intention to vac-seal and store for many more meals, but you'll see that's not highly pertinent to what I'm about to say. : )

I started with a #2 using it for over 2 years and was perfectly happy with it.  I cut ribs and briskets to make them easily fit.  I never felt like the #2 was too big and don't think I would have been as happy with the #1.  I also never ran into anything where the #2 was technically too small.  That said, there was always a very small part of me that wondered about the #3.  On the con side was a concern that it would be enough bigger to look odd in my space for it, that I wouldn't make good use of the extra space, and the extra cost with cost being a pretty major one.  On the pro side, it would mean that I *could* smoke more at one time if I wanted and I wouldn't have to cut briskets or ribs.  (I know *have to* is subjective... that's another conversation. : )

Anyway...  along came a deal for barely used 3DW that I just couldn't pass up...  it completely eliminated the cost factor and I decided the other two cons weren't show stoppers by a long shot.

Now that I've been using the 3DW for several months I can say with confidence that if I were starting over I'd probably get the #3.  I don't mind having the PID, but I hardly consider it necessary and think it has more cons that pros.  The #3 actually fits nicely in the same space where I had the #2 so that concern turned out to be unfounded.  I also find that the extra space really isn't a problem for me.  It gives me extra capacity if I should choose to use it.  (For instance, I'll probably do two briskets at the same time next time.)  I did 6 racks of ribs last time instead of 3.  It means I have more leftovers than with the #2, but not so much more that it is unmanageable.  I actually end up using fewer resources overall due to economy of scale.  If I ever want to throw a party, I'm set.  It's nice not having to cut anything.

If you don't have a freezer and a vacuum sealer then this obviously wouldn't work as well for you.  Hopefully sharing my experience will provide more useful information than more conflict.  :)
Hi Old Sarge and LarryD,
Thanks for your help and advice.
I have never really looked at the #3, will have to give it a look.
Don't have the vacuum sealer or freezer at the moment, but I seem to be about to go down a rabbit hole, please talk me out of it.
I just received a Thermworks Smoke, thanks to the sale.
I'm getting things in the wrong order, but it is a start.
Thanks again,
pelallito said:
Don't have the vacuum sealer or freezer at the moment, but I seem to be about to go down a rabbit hole, please talk me out of it.

Heh...  you'll get no help from me...  I totally think you should have a freezer and vac sealer.  :)  I save quite a lot of money because I rarely eat out any more.  It's just so easy to take a chunk of frozen brisket, pork, etc. out of the freezer, throw it into a pot of hot water while I make a side or two and ready to eat in 30 minutes or less.  Tastes better, healthier, and much less expensive.  I consider the cost of the smoker and vac sealer an investment.  Fortunately, already had the chest freezer.