Rib dilemma

Baja Smoke

New member
Hello all, I am new to the group from northern Minnesota. I have a lot of cooking experience, in fact I am doing a food truck the spring featuring Mexican cuisine and smoked items. I need to have the ribs ready by 10:30 in the morning, but don't want to be up all night. Any suggestions on this? I have the number five smoker and will be again practicing this weekend as I have mainly smoked with wood and charcoal. Suggestions appreciated, I will be serving ribs from 10:30 a.m. to 2...
I have only done BB ribs, and they are generally finished at 5.5 to 6 hours, smoking at 230* or so.  Once I start, I don't peak until about 4 hours when I add some BBQ sauce, and then they are back in the smoker until 5.5 hours.  The baby backs have always turned out perfect.
If you insist on sleeping, I think you will have to invest in a timer that can handle the load so to start cooking during the night.
I’d prep them the night before and put them on around 4-4:30 and go back to bed for a couple hours. No need to be awake for the majority of the smoke,  the smoker will do it’s thing.
I'm thinking I'll try smoking at 230 for three hours, wrapping, , setting temp down to maybe 140 overnight. I'll let you know how they come out. Anyone else done something like this?
I’d just do what Mike suggests and prep the night before, wake up early and put them in and go back to bed. I’ve cooked 6 racks of baby backs in my 3D and the time was the same as if I cooked 1 or 2. The other thing, I’m guessing the 5 is a digital control, correct? So that allows you to cook the ribs at a higher temp, 250-275 and will shorten the cook time. So you could also try that.

You’ll see why this is called lazy q at it’s best after the first cook!