RG's Official Attempt at reproducing Franklin BBQ

RG 2.0

New member
As y'all know, I went on a little trip and ate some of the best 'cue known to man, lol. Franklin BBQ is what I am speaking about. My Wife was so enamored with it, I am trying to replicate it. I know that it's not going to be fully possible as I don't know 100% of his methods nor do I have his cookers. What do I have? Well, for starters I have a Snake River Farms Wagyu brisket on the way to me. At least we'll have the same starting point! What's next? Wood. I needed some post oak as I didn't have any on hand. I have "Oak" pellets but that's not what I am after. I didn't want to buy oak in bags at Wally World either. I wanted some oak that still had some moisture in it, like what Aaron uses. His wood is not fully seasoned, I think that may play a roll in the smoke that I was smelling while waiting. It was unlike any smoke I have smelled before!

I ordered some White Oak, couldn't find post oak for a good deal and I read that they taste the same, we'll see! What I got was a nice little box that weighs 13-14 pounds or so, enough for 40 smokes on the SI!



This thread will be updated as I go along, stay tuned!

I just found out that "White Oak" is the commercial name for Post Oak so whaddya know! I'm all good to go!

Thought that was the case!  White oak is used for posts because it's more weather & insect-proof than red oak.  Lots of outdoor products built with white oak.  Great on brisket!
DivotMaker said:
Thought that was the case!  White oak is used for posts because it's more weather & insect-proof than red oak.  Lots of outdoor products built with white oak.  Great on brisket!

This should work really well on it, add a little extra flavor since it's pressure treated ;) :P ;D ;D
This should work really well on it, add a little extra flavor since it's pressure treated ;) :P ;D ;D

Trying a new method of curing on the brisket are we RG? I suppose you wouldn't have to vacuum seal it or even refrigerate it and the bugs would leave it alone! LOL!😜😝😉  Just kidding! I'm looking foreword to this. I've never even seen wygu beef except in pictures. Good luck!
drains said:
This should work really well on it, add a little extra flavor since it's pressure treated ;) :P ;D ;D

Trying a new method of curing on the brisket are we RG? I suppose you wouldn't have to vacuum seal it or even refrigerate it and the bugs would leave it alone! LOL!😜😝😉  Just kidding! I'm looking foreword to this. I've never even seen wygu beef except in pictures. Good luck!

We'll see how it goes. My Wife already said that if it's as good as Franklin's (which I doubt it will be mind you) or at least fairly close then she will always want to buy Wagyu. So, if it turns out great then this could get expensive. I have to say that I hope it does turn out due to having already ponied up the dough for it but eating brisket from now on will be an expensive endeavor!
Hope Steph doesn't like it that much.... "only" Wagyu briskies could break a man! :o (That is, unless you're Aaron Franklin, selling a million pounds a month, at $20/lb!)
DivotMaker said:
Hope Steph doesn't like it that much.... "only" Wagyu briskies could break a man! :o (That is, unless you're Aaron Franklin, selling a million pounds a month, at $20/lb!)

Tell me about it! I can't buy these very often. She already said that IF it turns out noticeably better then we will make one maybe every other month. That's still $840.00 worth of brisket a year and that's if I can get free shipping like I did on this one!
Looky here boys and girls!! I just heard a thud on the front porch and found a box that contained this little fella! He's SUPER FROZEN! I could sling it through a wall I think.



Now I just need to go buy a similar sized Choice packer to cook along with it. This weekend can't get here fast enough :P

I will document this as I go, I'll take as many pictures as I can stand, lol.

Until we meet again..................
I can't wait to see the closeups of it thawed and naked!  Show me just how marbled that bad boy is, before you trim and rub it!  (Oh my, I just re-read the way that sounded... :-[ )
DivotMaker said:
I can't wait to see the closeups of it thawed and naked!  Show me just how marbled that bad boy is, before you trim and rub it!  (Oh my, I just re-read the way that sounded... :-[ )
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Damn Tony!! LOL!!! I am sure she'll be a beaut! I can't wait either ;)
DivotMaker said:
I can't wait to see the closeups of it thawed and naked!  Show me just how marbled that bad boy is, before you trim and rub it!  (Oh my, I just re-read the way that sounded... :-[ )
Lmao,  hummmm :P
So....I got some more pictures to share. I bought a choice packer at Wally World so I figured I'd take some pics of it and both of them together after some basic trimming. I don't go all nutso when trimming like some, I leave some fat and silver skin. I have one picture of me holding a trimmed piece of fat with a little meat on it to show the difference in appearance and you can visually see that the Wagyu is softer and has more fat speckled throughout. Trimming the Wagyu brisket was night and day different from trimming the Choice one. It is a MUCH softer piece of meat.

Walmart's Finest :) BIG solid HARD fat on this one

Can't complain about the price - infinitely cheaper than SRF

The SRF Wagyu after trimming

The Wally World Choice after trimming

Wagyu on right Choice on left

Choice top - Wagyu bottom

Fat trimmings : Wagyu top - Choice bottom
Jason that is one nice looking brisket, I am can't wait to see how it turns out.

Once I get a few smokes under my belt on my new 3D I want to try a brisket from Creekstonefarms.com another supplier to Franklin.

Wow!  You can really see a difference - thanks for the side-by-side comparison!  The Wagyu is stunningly beautiful.  Everything I would have hoped for! ;D
The fat on that Wagyu is buttery soft compared to the much harder fat on the choice. It was melting in my hand! Crazy!!!
I have an important news flash boys and squirrels. The briskets are done and resting  comfortably in a cooler. After they get in a couple of hours of zzzzz's they will awaken to the horrors of a knife slicing them, lol.

When it's all said and done, there will be pics as well as results of the taste testing. Part of my judging panel is missing  so it looks like my Wife will be the only blind taste test judge.

More on this breaking story at 6:00! (or close to it)  ;D