RG'S Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting

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Alright ladies and gents, here is something that I think everyone will like ;)









1 cup milk (heated approximately 1 minute in microwave)
1/4 cup warm water (110 degrees F.)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
2 eggs, room temperature and beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar
5 cups King Arthur bread flour
1 tablespoon vital wheat gluten
3 teaspoons instant active dry yeast

1 cup firmly packed brown sugar and 5 tablespoons of ground cinnamon.

2oz cream cheese (room temp), 1/4 cup butter softened, 1 cup confectioners (powdered) sugar, 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract. Mix together until sugar is dissolved

Mix all ingredients together, I use a kitchenaid with a dough hook, makes life easy. You can omit the vital wheat gluten if you want, I had it so I used it. It makes the dough easier to work with. Once dough is made, let is rise until it doubles. Punch it down and roll into approx 15x24 rectangle. Brush dough with 1/2 cup melted/softened butter and sprinkle cinnamon sugar mixture evenly over it.

Once dough is buttered and cinnamoned (yeah, I made that word up so sue me!) roll dough starting from long end, don't roll too tightly or dough will pop up from the center as it bakes, some may like that so whatever makes you happy. Once dough is in log form, pinch it and make a seam then cut into 1 to 1.5 inch pieces and place in buttered 9x13x2 pan/dish. It yields 15-21 rolls or so depending on how you cut it.

As you place them in the pan, do not let them touch. They need room to rise, then they will be touching. Cover pan and let rolls rise for an hour or so until roughly doubled in size. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 until a light golden brown. Once baked let cool slightly then apply frosting.

I haven't eaten these in about a year, it's another "memory" of mine. Days gone by.
I made those on a baking course at King Arthur Flour a couple of years ago. Delicious-and sinful!
Just missing the nuts.  I like a little cinnamon roll with my nuts.  ;D  They look great but I'd probably have to eat 2 or 5 to make sure.  ;)
Nice Jason,

Looks much better than the ones you buy in the can. I really like orange flavoring, I may give these a try with that.

Thanks for sharing.

SuperDave said:
Just missing the nuts.  I like a little cinnamon roll with my nuts.  ;D  They look great but I'd probably have to eat 2 or 5 to make sure.  ;)

Dave, I made these for my Mother-In-Law not too terribly long ago and I added pecans and white raisins. They were the best cinnamon rolls she'd ever eaten, her words not mine.  ;D
One more tip folks. Do NOT go cheap and buy store brand flour. I doubt most stores brands even have a bread flour. Use King Arthur. Period. I have used Martha White, White Lily, Gold Medal, you name it. King Arthur is IT when it comes to flour. It does cost more but your results will tell you why when you bake. It's night and day the difference you'll get. I simply cannot stress how important it is to use KA flour.

I have made many a convert by recommending KA Flour. Buy one bag, use it and you'll never go back to what you used to use. You have the RG seal of approval on this folks, so you know it's good, lol!!

I crack myself up ;) :P
Limey said:
I made those on a baking course at King Arthur Flour a couple of years ago. Delicious-and sinful!
BINGO! Limey, you know what is good then ;) KA Flour is the BEST!
+1 on that Jason. Like you I have tried most of the others and they pale in comparison to KA. The bread rises higher, bakes more uniformly with better colour etc. Also they are all extremely nice people at KA. I have been on a couple of their bread baking courses and had a great time with very dedicated and helpful  instructors. On one occasion one of the instructors was concerned that the temperature was getting too low for our sourdough to proof properly overnight so she got up at 3am to close all the windows-that tells you the kind of people they are. Of course it helps that this a 100% employee owned cooperative. If any of you have not yet discovered their white whole wheat flour you should give it a try-all the health benefits of whole wheat without the bitterness and rising problems. Now if I could only bake bread in the SI.......
Yea, I might have to think about a keg in my future although I can bake bread on the TEC (infrared) grills pretty well.
It's the most versatile cooker I've ever owned, bar none. Any Kamado can deliver great meals but this one is portable, super insulated and sips charcoal. VERY fuel efficient. It's THE most fuel efficient kamado on the market. I love it. I love my Smokin-It too, but the Keg does everything, not just a great smoker. It bakes, grills, smokes. It does everything an oven, stove, grill and smoker can do. You won't be disappointed in it, I can assure you.