Reverse sear pork "steaks"

If someone has posted this before I apologize. I had smoked a pork tenderloin to 145 Monday night for dinner and it turned out great. Last night I cut some of it up into "steaks" and threw it on the grill and again it turned out great and way cheaper than beef.
Sounds great, did you Brine or dry rub it?  And in what?  Sometimes I cook lean pork to even lower temps than that, cook it medium sometimes, but really only loin, or tenderloin.
No brine, but used The Squeal Hog Rub. It was a Christmas gift. Had it again last night. The other nice thing about it is that you can cut the "steaks" as thick or thin as you like. This worked out well as the wife likes hers thinner than I.
I agree that you can enjoy a pork loin for several more meals.. I always smoke full loins which are usually between 8-9lbs and always have plenty left.. Have done the quick sear method you mentioned or just heated leftovers and served with sandwiches or over mashed tators etc.. I even have some leftovers in my freezer for future use. Prices of beef steak are starting to come back down around here but agree that pork loin is still one of the best food/protein bargains available.. PS- I do always brine my loins and use a variety of rubs. 
I use DM's Pork brine recipe that is listed on this site for my butts/shoulders and loins..

1 gallon water
1 1/8 cup kosher salt
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tblsp garlic powder
1 tblsp onion powder
1 tblsp cayenne
2 tsp black pepper