I'm feeling like this is the right forum to post this to, but redirect me if not. Post is long.
I came from over a decade of stick burning. I love a good smoke and had really learned to control the temps/smoke levels/etc down to a science. I found myself not smoking much because it is a significant commitment to monitor a fire for long cooks of briskets, pork butts, etc. The promise of great results with the LazyQ methods drew me in and I ordered a 4D.
I've owned the 4D for 18 months now. I've done dozens of cooks ranging from whole chickens to briskets, ribs to pork butts, etc. For woods I've heavily used Post Oak and Pecan from Fruita Wood & BBQ Supply, but also a little Hickory and Cherry from SmokinLicious. (I'm a Texan.. I really love traditional Post Oak for beef/pork and Pecan for Poultry.) I've found that I can get some pretty decent results on short cooks like whole chickens, but one of the big drivers in getting the 4D was doing large quantities of pork butts or briskets. When doing those I've found that there just isn't a significant smoke flavor on the level that I expect from good BBQ.
I've poured over the advice on these forums for chunk sizes, quantities, etc. to try and find my issues. The shape of the box on the 4D really drives a small chunk size, or forces you to but anything remotely large in the dead center. I've tried various sizes, going well beyond recommendations at times, but never end up with the flavors I'm looking for. At the end of 2-3 hour cooks I usually have a charcoal block left, and on long cooks it is a mix of that plus ash. At this point I'm wondering if what I want is even achievable with this type of cooker and I made a mistake buying a larger one with hope of using it for 50-100 lbs of meat in the future. (Note - I haven't yet pushed the quantities because I've not been happy with 1-2 butts/briskets yet.)
Can anyone talk some sense into me and help me figure out how to improve my results?
Chris Green
TLDR; I have a 4D model and can't seem to get much smoke flavor. Wondering if I'm just trying to get stick burning results from a chunk warmer and need to adjust my expectations.
I came from over a decade of stick burning. I love a good smoke and had really learned to control the temps/smoke levels/etc down to a science. I found myself not smoking much because it is a significant commitment to monitor a fire for long cooks of briskets, pork butts, etc. The promise of great results with the LazyQ methods drew me in and I ordered a 4D.
I've owned the 4D for 18 months now. I've done dozens of cooks ranging from whole chickens to briskets, ribs to pork butts, etc. For woods I've heavily used Post Oak and Pecan from Fruita Wood & BBQ Supply, but also a little Hickory and Cherry from SmokinLicious. (I'm a Texan.. I really love traditional Post Oak for beef/pork and Pecan for Poultry.) I've found that I can get some pretty decent results on short cooks like whole chickens, but one of the big drivers in getting the 4D was doing large quantities of pork butts or briskets. When doing those I've found that there just isn't a significant smoke flavor on the level that I expect from good BBQ.
I've poured over the advice on these forums for chunk sizes, quantities, etc. to try and find my issues. The shape of the box on the 4D really drives a small chunk size, or forces you to but anything remotely large in the dead center. I've tried various sizes, going well beyond recommendations at times, but never end up with the flavors I'm looking for. At the end of 2-3 hour cooks I usually have a charcoal block left, and on long cooks it is a mix of that plus ash. At this point I'm wondering if what I want is even achievable with this type of cooker and I made a mistake buying a larger one with hope of using it for 50-100 lbs of meat in the future. (Note - I haven't yet pushed the quantities because I've not been happy with 1-2 butts/briskets yet.)
Can anyone talk some sense into me and help me figure out how to improve my results?
Chris Green
TLDR; I have a 4D model and can't seem to get much smoke flavor. Wondering if I'm just trying to get stick burning results from a chunk warmer and need to adjust my expectations.