Real SLOW and real LOW.

Sean Olivares

New member
Hello guys, I have heard about people cooking meat at 165 Fahrenheit for extended times for very tender meat.

Having read through the forum and understanding the Smoking it model 2 the best way way to go about something like that would be to get a meat thermometer and decide on a internal temp and then just wait till the correct temp is reached. Do not depend on a set time.

Anyone have experience cooking with real low temps for extended times?

Do you feel that it adds anything beneficial?
Sean, my guess is it wouldn't add much and meats like port butts need to be in the 190 range to be tender. I would think that is a little low for temp. Check out sous vida in another part of the forum and you will see some really low and slow cook methods. Happy New Year!
In addition to the pork butts that Bob mentioned, some meats should reach an internal temp of 140 within 4 hours.  A box temp of 165 would make that impossible to reach with anything other than the thinnest of cuts. 
That does work well for sous vide. Check out my post about cooking a chuck steak at 131 for 4 days!
You can break down a tough cut of meat at a lower temperature given A LOT of time. You end up with a very tender, prime-rib-like medium rare steak. 130 is actually a safe temp if held for 112 minutes or more (not widely publicized since it mostly pertains to sous-vide and requires precision/accuracy. 140 is safe when held for 12 minutes or more).

I also started wondering about lower temp prolonged smoking/cooking. Sous vide is in a sealed pouch. My fear with super low and slow in the smoker, is even if you can get the meat up to a safe temp within 4 hours (which is possible, start at higher temp, turn down when IT 140 is reached), a prolonged period at a low temp might eventually just dry out the meat. You'd need to wrap it, or cook it in a pan with liquid (braising). As long as you keep the IT of the meat above 140, anything is possible I suppose. You could always try it and see what happens. As long as you make sure it stays at a safe temperature, the worst that can happen is that it turns out terrible.
Sean, the only meat I smoke below at least 200 is jerky, and that's at 140.  I don't think 165 would be good for most things.