New member
Received my #2 a few weeks ago, just a day before the wife's son and family came to stay with us a couple weeks. Gave me a good excuse to use 'em to test the new smoker. I ended up smoking two Boston butts, three whole chickens, two racks of ribs, and a brisket. That was in between cooking a gumbo, red beans & rice, and a crawfish boil. Oh my tummy was so happy!!!! 
It was a bit hectic though so really didn't get time to play with a brine or tweak things too much. I was pleased with everything that came out but certainly feel like I can improve so am looking forward to tackling things a bit slower and more methodical.
Did learn a few things....
- don't count on a $15 thermometer to give you an accurate reading....have already replaced it with a Maverick ET-733.
- thanks for the tip about the foil from Costco, made it so easy to clean up the smoke box and bottom of smoker!
For the future...
- The ribs were good, everyone liked them, I used Famous Dave's Seasoning rub on them, first time I tried that. I liked it, though the wife wished it had a sweeter flavor to it so maybe add some brown sugar to the ribs next time? Also may cook them a little longer, they were tender but not quite "fall off the bone" tender, so maybe an extra 30 mins next time??? Or maybe add sauce to them at that point and let them cook the extra 30 mins?
- Brine....will definitely try a brine on the Boston butt. Maybe on the brisket too??? (I'll have to do some research).
As a result of the thermometer issue I had, when I cooked the three chickens I brought one in to check to make sure it was thoroughly cooked (prior to the ET-733 coming in). I felt sorry for that little bird, once it was determined it was cooked the family descended upon it and it was just a carcass of bones before I could come back in with the other two.
The best compliment for the#2 was the wife saying that was the best chicken! She's not the biggest smoked meat fan so when the #2 won her heart with the chicken, she was 100% happy we bought it. And she actually was the one bugging me to cook the brisket.
So to anyone considering one of these smokers (irregardless of the size, #1, #2, #3, #4), these things work fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And again, thanks to all the folks helping me with my questions! Next to the smoker, this forum is the best!!

It was a bit hectic though so really didn't get time to play with a brine or tweak things too much. I was pleased with everything that came out but certainly feel like I can improve so am looking forward to tackling things a bit slower and more methodical.
Did learn a few things....
- don't count on a $15 thermometer to give you an accurate reading....have already replaced it with a Maverick ET-733.
- thanks for the tip about the foil from Costco, made it so easy to clean up the smoke box and bottom of smoker!
For the future...
- The ribs were good, everyone liked them, I used Famous Dave's Seasoning rub on them, first time I tried that. I liked it, though the wife wished it had a sweeter flavor to it so maybe add some brown sugar to the ribs next time? Also may cook them a little longer, they were tender but not quite "fall off the bone" tender, so maybe an extra 30 mins next time??? Or maybe add sauce to them at that point and let them cook the extra 30 mins?
- Brine....will definitely try a brine on the Boston butt. Maybe on the brisket too??? (I'll have to do some research).
As a result of the thermometer issue I had, when I cooked the three chickens I brought one in to check to make sure it was thoroughly cooked (prior to the ET-733 coming in). I felt sorry for that little bird, once it was determined it was cooked the family descended upon it and it was just a carcass of bones before I could come back in with the other two.
The best compliment for the#2 was the wife saying that was the best chicken! She's not the biggest smoked meat fan so when the #2 won her heart with the chicken, she was 100% happy we bought it. And she actually was the one bugging me to cook the brisket.
So to anyone considering one of these smokers (irregardless of the size, #1, #2, #3, #4), these things work fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And again, thanks to all the folks helping me with my questions! Next to the smoker, this forum is the best!!