Rainbow & Brown Trout

Pork Belly

My son brought home a couple of trout and asked that I smoke them.

Both fish were gutted and the gills removed. I mixed up a 50/50 blend of Kosher salt and Coconut sugar. After a generous application of the cure the fish rested in the fridge in a zip top bag for three hours.

After rinsing well the fish were dried with paper towels and propped open with bamboo skewers. I rested the fish in the fridge overnight on a wire rack.

Smoking was at 170 for two hours over 2 handfuls of pecan chips, with the fish hung by the head. After two hours the fish would easily flake.


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Some flaky goodness right there, Brian! Could you tell a difference from the brown vs. rainbow? Around here in New Mexico, most rainbow are from the hatchery and brownies are stream bred. I don’t know if I can say there was a difference between the two or not, but just thought I’d ask.
The main difference I noticed was size, the bow was thicker, though it did have a slight pink tint to it. It all got combined. I used some in a scrambled egg sandwich on wheat for my wife's breakfast. It was very good.