Questions about buying a side of beef


New member
Hi everyone,

Was curious if anyone has ever purchased a side of beef and if so did you have to specify the type of cuts you wanted so you had what you wanted for smoking purposes? Just seeing what I may need to ask when I go about this, as I don’t mind ground but if it saves some cuts that I can use for slow roast or smoking, I’m all about that!

Thanks for the help.
Jeremy - see if the charts at this site help pick your cuts and convey you wishes to the provider.
Around here beef is sold; Quarter, Half or Whole. You will pay the seller his set price per pound after the hanging weight is established. You will pay the abattoir/butcher his set price according to the hanging weight. 

The abattoirs fee covers basic cuts, grinding and packing. You will get either 1/4, 1/2 or all of each cut. For example you would get 1/4 of all burger and 1/4 of the rib steaks.

You may get all the liver, heat and tongue if no one asks for it.

We have had excellent results buying beef this way, I buy all my pork and beef from a local family.
Thanks for the info everyone. This is a friend of my wife HO is getting us in touch with his family who sells the cattle. So prices seem fairly reasonable - $400 for a 1/2 and only $50 for the butcher. Just have to connect and will let you know how it works out.

But the info and charts above have helped. So thanks for the replies!
Often the butcher will present you with a sheet listing the various cuts and your options for them (Rib steaks or roast, for example). They will also want to know how thin/thick to cut the steaks. Look carefully at how they treat the brisket. Often they will just grind it for hamburger, or just give you the flat as a roast. If you plan to smoke the brisket, make it very clear that you want the whole brisket, not just the flat.