Question on sizes (yes again unfortunately)


New member
Good morning. Hopefully most of you are kicking back admiring the progress of a carefully planned cooked today. Notice I said carefully planned as opposed to difficult!

I have a situation I would like some advice on. I've read and read on the forum in both the model 2 subforum and the model 3 subforum...I'm trying to determine if I should purchase the model 2 or the model 3 and would like to provide the following considerations. It is understood that you can always smoke less in a larger SI, but not more in a smaller SI.  :)

1. I've been smoking on a WSM for about 5-6 years and I don't pull it out as much as I would like because it's a lot to lift, prep and clean. (call me lazy)

2. I want something that produces great food, but is easy to maneuver (doesn't weigh a ton because I don't envision being able to roll it to the back of the house for smoking...I will store the smoker in my garage and transport it to the back deck for each smoke).

3. I want the extra length of the model 3, but don't know if the difference in weight from the model 2 would make it a less than optimal choice.

4. I smoke for somewhere between 4 and 10 people, but would like to smoke more often given that the SI sounds like less to manage (ever pull out a WSM to do 12 chicken wings? not fun to me!)

Is there anyone who moves the model 3 around (without rolling it) that wishes they would have purchased the model 2 due to weight savings? I've wrestled with this and read a ton, but the main reason I would like a model 3 is to avoid having to worry about the size of meat I put in it. Seems like you have to do some trimming/cutting on briskets, ribs and butts to use the model 2?

Thanks a ton for any insight and sorry to ask a question that is likely asked every day!
Hello Ted and welcome.
I might not be able to answer all your questions but I can tell you about MY #3D smoker. 
I went with the #3 for just my wife and me.  Kids are grown and gone but sometimes I like to cook a lot and other times I do not.  I have smoked two (thats right...2) chicken breasts before and had no problem with a big empty space in the smoker.  But, I can smoke a 16 pound packer brisket if I want it.
I keep my smoker in the garage but roll it into the driveway to smoke so it's not too far away.  I have never had a problem with the weight since I am rolling it back and forth into the garage.
If $$$ is OK, go with the bigger one.
I know if I ever buy a bag of charcoal again it's because I am on vacation somewhere and do not have my smoker.
I have the 3D and usually roll it around when I need to move it.  I have picked it up to set it inside the back door to my garage, one step up, once by myself and once with help.  The handles on the side are great and make it possible to do it alone but I wouldn't do it again unless I just had to and I'm a good size fella.  It's definitely not something I would want to carry very far by myself.  It's not so much the weight but the size.  With help it shouldn't be a problem.  I'm not sure of the weight difference between the 2 and 3 but I would think you would have the same issue with the #2.

Get the #3, you'll love it! 
Ted - Here is my 3 cents worth - I would go with the 3 because of the extra depth.  And it is a heavy smoker to be sure. But it rolls easily. Also, the new D models now come with a weatherproof meat probe connector (check with Steve to be sure) and with a cover, storing on your deck should not be a problem unless you are worried about theft.  The analog models of course do not have any external probe connections and I would recommend keeping them covered as well when not in use.  Dave.
Thank you for the quick help today. I decided to go big or go home, at least big for me. Put in an order for the model 3D, so now the wait begins.
I also come with the background of the WSM. I went with the #1 due to the simplicity, and the small size that I could keep on my back screen porch and smoke year-round, in negative temps here is Wisconsin. No lifting, just rolling. I can smoke in January without even putting shoes on. I never used my WSM in the winter. I normally smoke for 1-2, but can smoke for up to 4-10+ with the #1, depending on the meat. Since you've already ordered the 3D, sounds like you need to find a place that you can keep it, and smoke year-round, without having to lift it, beyond rolling it. It is quite heavy. Let me know if you have any questions transitioning from your WSM to your 3D.
Neither one is going to be fun to lift and carry for any distance, though the #3 is going to be heavier and more unwieldy simply due to size.

What are your considerations for not just leaving it on the deck and/or not rolling it?  The wheels make it super portable while the weight does not.  Of course, you'd want to cover it when not in use.  If you can find a spot on your deck that the smoker can call home then you may find that you use it even more than you plan.  It's not at all unusual for me to suddenly decide I want ribs, run to Sam's, get them in the smoker, and then have them for dinner.  Same for wings, pork loin, and lots of other meats that don't take as long to smoke.  You'll be able to use it year-round, too.

You'll be able to handle the quantity and frequency you're describing in either smoker.  The #2 may require that you cut briskets in half or use two shelves for butts where the #3 won't.
Thank you LarryD and SconnieQ. Great points by both of you.

SconnieQ - I am in the same position you were...I don't use my WSM in the winter and I really wish I felt like it, but it's a lot to pull out and mess with when it's cold. Of course, we don't have winters like you do in Wisconsin, when it's cold it's cold!

LarryD - I am considering leaving the 3D on the deck and purchasing the cover. As goofy as it may sound, I keep my weber gas grill, WSM and Weber Performer in the garage and I think that's the reason they all look brand new still. I don't have a good covered area behind my house, just a simple 10x14 uncovered deck. Eventually, I will extend the deck the whole width of the house and cover one side, then all the grilling/smoking stuff will go out there. So for the time being, I pull the gasser/performer out in the driveway to use, then put back. The WSM, I carry through the house to the back deck, then set up, use and return it to the garage. Guess I'll have to make some decisions! I surely didn't buy the 3D to have it sit around!

Thanks again for all the advice and help. This forum is a wealth of knowledge.

*Edit - wanted to add in case it helps someone else...if you don't create and account with a password, your tracking information will not be available. Found this out the hard way, although tracking info sometimes just makes you look at it daily!
Some people store the SI in the garage, then roll it into the driveway when using. Or even just open the garage door, and roll it to the end of the garage by the big open door. Sounds like your garage and your deck are not near each other. The SI takes very little to no monitoring, so having it doing it's thing in the driveway while you enjoy yourself on the deck should be no problem.
i have the cover it came with.. faded already but otherwise in very good sits in the texas sun in my backyard under no structure .. no problems what so ever

i should add the way my yard sits the front side and top are what faces the full sun non stop.. the back where the wire is not really at all
stout said:
i have the cover it came with.. faded already but otherwise in very good sits in the texas sun in my backyard under no structure .. no problems what so ever

i should add the way my yard sits the front side and top are what faces the full sun non stop.. the back where the wire is not really at all

Thanks for the info on the cover. That's my next item to purchase since, after lifting the 3D out of the box and up a few stairs, I don't think I want to do that again.
That said, my smoker arrived at 4pm today and I have one hour left on the seasoning process. While that was going on, I headed off to costco to grab two slabs of St. Louis ribs. Looks like I'll be putting those in at some point tomorrow!

*I read that Steve ships fast and it's hard to believe, but I ordered the smoker on July 4th and it arrived today. Really can't beat that.
newuser said:
stout said:
i have the cover it came with.. faded already but otherwise in very good sits in the texas sun in my backyard under no structure .. no problems what so ever

i should add the way my yard sits the front side and top are what faces the full sun non stop.. the back where the wire is not really at all

Thanks for the info on the cover. That's my next item to purchase since, after lifting the 3D out of the box and up a few stairs, I don't think I want to do that again.
That said, my smoker arrived at 4pm today and I have one hour left on the seasoning process. While that was going on, I headed off to costco to grab two slabs of St. Louis ribs. Looks like I'll be putting those in at some point tomorrow!

*I read that Steve ships fast and it's hard to believe, but I ordered the smoker on July 4th and it arrived today. Really can't beat that.

hard to beat three days on a holiday week for sure