Question about smoke absorbtion.


New member
Ok over a couple beers this weekend I had a conversation with a buddy that also smokes alot of meat. I did not believe something he said. I said Meat does not absorb smoke after ~140 deg F, which he agreed with but he said if you want it to be really smokey can can put it back in the fridge and cool it and it will absorb again until ~140 not sure why you would do that but conversations when drinking beer do not have to make sense. It has me thinking if this could be true? Thoughts?
Have you done any twice smoked hams?  It might be the same principle.  Store bought hams have already been smoked and cooked yet we smoke them again with great success. 
SconnieQ said:
I have some of my best and worst ideas over a coupla beers. :o

Me too and for some reason that is when I like to try to fix things. I get the energy and focus to do things. I usually detail my motorcycle when I have been drinking. Funny thing is it always comes out much better than when I am sober. I get OCD when I drink I think. :D
The 140 mark is also the generally accepted temperature when smoke ring production ceases if you are 'cooking' with wood. And why the ring does not penetrate deeply into the meat.