Question about Cold Smoke Plate


New member
I just recieved the Cold Smoke Plate for my 3D and have a question.

It seams to fit tightly with no openings around edge and there are no holes to let the smoke from below through.
How does the smoke get to the food chamber?

Edit: ok I see that that it leaves an opening at the door when you close it. Do you push it all the way to the back of smoker or do you leave a small opening at the front and rear? just wondering.
I bought one, too and have also been wondering about that.  I'll have to wait until this 'winter' so that it's remotely cool enough since we're into 90+ degree days.  (Winter is in quotes because I think there less than 10 days this past winter where it even got to freezing.

An external smoke generator, like Smoke Daddy's Big Kahuna, and a couple of jugs of frozen water can resolve your "winter" issue. I cold smoke year round in Louisiana with no concerns to the external temperatures.