Question about 2D upgrade


New member
How much temperature increase will the 2D upgrade give me? Would i need to go with the 800 element to achieve any temp increase? Looking for enough heat to crisp chicken skin, plus the steady set point and programmability  would be nice also.
Even if you could reach the heat of the sun the SI is such a tight, moist environment that I haven't read where anyone has gotten satisfactory crisp skin in the smoke.  I believe that Tony said the 2D was rated for 375 degrees, which is plenty hot.  Your old, 700W element will achieve that but it will just take longer. 
Dave (KYDog) - yes, the box is rated to 375.  If you were to do the upgrade, I would recommend the 800w's a big improvement over the 700 (imo). 
Thanks for the reply Tony, i see upgrade in my near future, or sell #2 to a friend and upgrade to 3D. ;-)
I just sold my #2 and plan to upgrade to the D version once our move is complete in the next couple of months!

I think it is a reasonable deal for those that want to upgrade considering that a new top has to be provided.

For me, I am not sure I really see enough pros to justify the upgrade. If I ever sell my current #3, I would get the #3D, but I put out some pretty darn good food without the Auber, so think I will hold off on any upgrades to the short term anyhow. I will be interested to see some videos/instructions of how tough the upgrade is though.

To each his own on whether to go standalone verses the built-in option. For me, it I was going to get an Auber, it would be the built-in option.
NDKoze said:
To each his own on whether to go standalone verses the built-in option. For me, it I was going to get an Auber, it would be the built-in option.

+1!  Having experience both ways, I definitely enjoy the built-in much more.  There will be those that disagree, but one main point is this is an SI-OEM controller.  It is designed by Auber, but it's Steve's.  That means it falls under the 3-yr warranty...big plus in my book!