Pulled the trigger....OH MY!!!


New member
I have been going back and forth for days on buying the 3D or the 4D or none at all. I'm even on vacation right now at 3am in my room at the Palazzo Hotel in Vegas. Went through the ordering process and handed my wife my phone and told her to press the "Place Order" button. And I'll be damned if she didn't do it. ;) We have a catering gig on June 10th for a wedding rehearsal dinner and a graduation party two weeks later. Sure hope this beast gets here next week, it works properly and I can season it without the wood catching fire like it did in my MES when I first got it, get at least one successful smoke with it and then use for those events. So hope I don't end up with buyers remorse. Wish me luck. :)
I am sure you will be happy with smoker!    The key to avoiding combustion with the wood is the get good wood with a high moisture content (ie, not dried out wood).  Many of us here are using wood from smokinlicious.com; I have not had any combustion issues since switching to their wood.  Welcome aboard!
Congratulations Scott! You are going to love your new beast of a smoker. I'm not guaranteeing that you won't have any hiccups, but the learning curve is short and the results are awesome!

BTW, if your seasoning doesn't go as planned with the Auber don't get too worried. These things are tuned to be used with meat in the smoker. So, some have seen issues with the temps during seasoning. Not anything to be worried about.

I am looking forward to the day when I can spring for a #4.

BTW, good luck on your catering business!
Congrats from a fellow #4 owner.  We're a small percentage of the SI family and our units run just a little different than the rest.  We look forward to your posts.
swthorpe said:
I am sure you will be happy with smoker!    The key to avoiding combustion with the wood is the get good wood with a high moisture content (ie, not dried out wood).  Many of us here are using wood from smokinlicious.com; I have not had any combustion issues since switching to their wood.  Welcome aboard!
Thank you!! I believe Gregg also mentioned that place for wood chunks. Seems a bit expensive, but if it doesn't take much for a long smoke, GREAT!!

Looking forward to sharing some photos in the future. :)
NDKoze said:
Congratulations Scott! You are going to love your new beast of a smoker. I'm not guaranteeing that you won't have any hiccups, but the learning curve is short and the results are awesome!

BTW, if your seasoning doesn't go as planned with the Auber don't get too worried. These things are tuned to be used with meat in the smoker. So, some have seen issues with the temps during seasoning. Not anything to be worried about.

I am looking forward to the day when I can spring for a #4.

BTW, good luck on your catering business!
Thanks Gregg. Steve should give you a commission for this sale as it was in large part made because of your posts and replies to me. :)
SuperDave said:
Congrats from a fellow #4 owner.  We're a small percentage of the SI family and our units run just a little different than the rest.  We look forward to your posts.

Thank you!! I can't wait to post some photos of some hopefully stellar Q. :)
id2nv2nj2ca said:
NDKoze said:
Congratulations Scott! You are going to love your new beast of a smoker. I'm not guaranteeing that you won't have any hiccups, but the learning curve is short and the results are awesome!

BTW, if your seasoning doesn't go as planned with the Auber don't get too worried. These things are tuned to be used with meat in the smoker. So, some have seen issues with the temps during seasoning. Not anything to be worried about.

I am looking forward to the day when I can spring for a #4.

BTW, good luck on your catering business!
Thanks Gregg. Steve should give you a commission for this sale as it was in large part made because of your posts and replies to me. :)

Thanks Scott. I was just trying to give you as much information as possible for you to make an educated decision.

As far as the wood goes, it is a small price to pay as compares to the price of some of the meat that we smoke. Considering how much meat costs, I don't want to skimp on my wood. Plus, a box of wood from Smokinlicious will last you a LONG time.

Now, the waiting game plays. I would think you would easily have it by next week sometime.
Welcome from Texas Scott! That's a beast of a smoker you're getting. Good luck with all your future smoking endeavors.
The wood from smokilicious does go a long way...I bought a box of hickory/cherry last October and still have a ways to go before I will need to re-order!  Take a look at Maine Grilling Woods for another alternative...they sell small bags of wood.
You know what they say, Scott --- "Go BIG or Go HOME!"  LoL!  You have definitely stepped into BIG!  Congrats!!!  That's a beast of a unit, and now has the PID controller built in!  I know you'll enjoy it, so let us know how it goes!

Not gonna lie, I had some pretty serious "buyers remorse" after purchasing my #3.  My first couple smokes didn't go as well as I would have liked considering the money I spent.  I got a lot of great help and advice from the people on this board and I was able to adjust my methods to fit the SI.  Now I look at that smoker as one of the best appliance investments that I have ever made.
Hey everyone. Thanks for all the replies. Sorry  for the late response. I was on a bit of a mini vacation last week and got home late Sunday and spent all day yesterday vegging and running a few errands.

Tomorrow is supposedly the delivery day for the Smokin-It 4D.  I am excited, yet nervous all at the same time. That is a huge expense for us, and hopefully one that will pay itself off in no time at all.  I look forward to sharing my first smokes with you, including photos.