Pro Pork Puller?

Papa Rick

New member
Borrowed a Friend of mine who has this:

I was doing 4 butts, and did two in the pot already with this and learned that it is much easier, but there is one valuable lesson I learned about this and that is you have to watch out or you will shred the meat into fine shreds and lose a lot of the moisture that was in the butt.  Never thought about that until I got through and then looked at it and figured out this is what a lot of BBQ Joints use and probably the reason they have what seems to me to me dry meat.  Taste real good just some on the dry side.

My wife said it would be good if you were making BBQ Sandwiches as it puts it in a fine not pulled type of meat.

Any thoughts and or suggestions on this?
I think you will find there are a lot of people on the forum that like the really fine shreds. So something like that would be helpful. I personally like to shred mine with my own two hands (with heat-resistant gloves). I like some chunks of meat and fat in my pulled pork, combined with some finer stuff. I don't even find that bear claws are necessary, but if you have a lot of pork to shred, they would be helpful. This is totally a personal preference.
I nearly bought one of those to chuck in a drill but decided to just stick with a couple of stout forks.  I did get the bear claws and they worked well but after a few uses I got rid of them and went back to forks.  Forks are just easier for me.
Interesting, I think I might use that after i chunk off most of the butt.  I do like the fine cut/shread and it seems only hands get it right.  + you can "quality" check as you go along. (eat)

Use something like this for the "dry" pork.

Its vinegar based and wet, not thick.  My go to on a butt to get it all wet and even. 