Prime Rib roast, bone in $5.99/lb at Aldi

When I see something that looks that good my mind tries to explain how it can be that low. Meat grade or quality?  But even without an explanation it would be worth buying one or two to try.  I smoked a $2.99/lbs rump roast last week and it was fantastic. 
I haven't checked WalMart yet, but seems the Choice roasts I get there are around the same price.... but, that's still a great price!  I've never bought meat at Aldi's, but might have to check them out!
That's a good price for bone-in rib-eye roast in this area. Saw it in my local flyer. And it's Choice. Might be a good candidate for a nice long dry-age in the Umai bag. If it's only 2 or 3 bone, it would be smaller than ideal for dry-aging though. Maybe going to Aldi tomorrow.
Just got finished smoking mine and it was two bone. I know because I now have 2 very happy dogs! However, excuse my ignorance, why is the number of bones significant? BTW, this was my first, but won't be my last. It turned out wonderful!
prudentsmoker said:
Just got finished smoking mine and it was two bone. I know because I now have 2 very happy dogs! However, excuse my ignorance, why is the number of bones significant? BTW, this was my first, but won't be my last. It turned out wonderful!

When you dry age, there is a fair bit of trimming required after it has aged. So the bigger the better. You would never want to dry age a single steak for example, because there would be nothing left after trimming. Also, when cooking a prime rib, you will have a couple end pieces for people who like their prime rib a little more cooked. In a smaller prime rib, that leaves fewer center slices for the rest of us! The number of bones helps tell me how big it is. It can be up to 7 bones. I'm hoping to find one between 5 and 7 bones at Aldi, but they might not have them that big.
I just bought 5 racks of BB ribs at Aldis last week. they tasted as good as any other. The price was $2.89 a lb. as opposed to $3.69 a pound which is the typical price i see all year. (other than some specials 4th of july and such).

the only issue i saw was there is no butcher so the smaller cuts is all i saw is all you have to choose from
prudentsmoker said:
Just got finished smoking mine and it was two bone. I know because I now have 2 very happy dogs! However, excuse my ignorance, why is the number of bones significant? BTW, this was my first, but won't be my last. It turned out wonderful!

What Kari said... with the addition of my 2¢. ;)

Yes, the number of bones indicates the size, so the more bones, the bigger it is.  But...if you use the 200° low-and-slow method (to 128 internal temp), with the reverse sear at the end, even a 2-bone will be perfectly medium-rare from edge to edge!  There won't be a more done area, like you would get with traditional prime rib cooking methods (sear, higher-temp cook).  That's the beauty of 200 + reverse-sear!
Went to Aldi's yesterday to see if I could get my hands on one of those $5.99 Choice Prime Ribs. They sold out the first day of the sale. That was 5 days ago. Obviously I needed to get there the first day. The ad said "while quantities last". I will remember that for the future. :o
I picked one up last week as well.  What is the preferred way to smoke this gorgeous hunk of meat?  I've seen several different recommendations.  It is necessary to tie it up with twine?  And if so, why? 

I also second the rec. on Aldi's BBR.  Always $2.89 a pound and very nice.  And one per package. 