Prime Brisket


New member
I've done plenty of briskets but my supply has usually been choice cut.  When I saw this prime cut at Costco I had to get it.  What I noticed right off was the little amount of trimming that was required.  I only had about a pound and a half of fat when it was fully trimmed and ready for rub.  It will get injected before going in the smoker tonight about midnight.  The injection is a beef broth and beef onion soup concoction.  It will be smoked fat cap down with a 1/4" of trimmed fat capping the top side.


That will be some fine eatin' Dave! How much does it weight? What type wood will you smoke it with? Thanks
It was a hair under 14 lbs out of the package. Woods to be determined but will probably be a mix of hickory, oak and cherry or plum.
Those PRIMEs at Costco are THE best. They just turn out great for me every time. I don't even brine or inject. Just the TenderQuick dusting for the faux smoke ring, then my own homemade rub recipe. No guesswork involved. Quality. And the price is right.
Well, I have to say that prime is all that.  This might have been one of my finest works.  Melts in your mouth.



That's a masterpiece Dave! It looks really juicy and tender. It looks like it didn't shrink that much either. Great job!
Wow Dave!
I am going to have to make a road trip to a Costco and find a prime brisket because that thing looks smokin great!
I'm  really sold on the fat sandwich cooking method. This thing was juicy and as tender as any beef I've ever had. Our company didn't know brisket cook be that tender.
Fantastic, Dave!!  I normally prefer Choice over Prime, for just about every cut of beef - but not brisket!  I'll always get Prime, when it's available.  It DOES make that much of a difference!  Man, that's making me hungry! :o
That brisket looks excellent Dave! I am jealous of all y'all that can get Prime briskets at Costco. I can't! I've called all the ones around me, none have them except one store and they were out and when they DO have them, they want like $6.00/lb!! I am not paying that for it. I do plan on ordering another Wagyu though at some point (once Snake River Farms gets the size I want back in stock).

So, for those of you that can get Prime briskets, keep doing so and posting them so I can live vicariously through you, lol.
Odd as it may seem, Costco sells their trimmed flats for close to $6/lbs and my prime packer was $2.89/lbs. one would think it should be the other way around.
SuperDave said:
Odd as it may seem, Costco sells their trimmed flats for close to $6/lbs and my prime packer was $2.89/lbs. one would think it should be the other way around.

You're paying "labor" costs for the butcher to give you a trimmed piece of meat. More labor, less meat = higher price per pound. Illogical as can be but that's how they roll! lol
RG said:
SuperDave said:
Odd as it may seem, Costco sells their trimmed flats for close to $6/lbs and my prime packer was $2.89/lbs. one would think it should be the other way around.

You're paying "labor" costs for the butcher to give you a trimmed piece of meat. More labor, less meat = higher price per pound. Illogical as can be but that's how they roll! lol

Bazinga!  The reason I never buy flats!
Hi Dave, great looking brisket!  So much, that I picked up a 14# Prime Cut brisket from Costco yesterday.  Wondering if you could share about how many hours it took for your 14 pounder to get to that 190-200 F range?  I know all pieces of meat can be different, but just looking for a "ball park" time frame. 

Also too, I think you've posted that you foil your briskets in a bath of beef stock after so many hours.  Am I thinking of the right guy and did you do anything like this with this prime brisket....or was it "tanning" on the rack the whole cook time?

Have never tried a Prime Brisket and just want to come out with results as you described with yours that you just did.  Looking forward to your input.  Thanks in advance Dave.

Hi Jeff,
It took about 11 hours to get to 195. I smoked it for 7 hours and then wrapped with a little of my injection liquid that was left over. I started doing toothpick test at 190 and got the feel that I wanted at 195. Let me know if I can be of any further help.
hi dave great lookin brisket, I see yours went less than a hour a pound? I just made a thread about mine getting done way to fast! so mabey its more common than I thought to go less than a hour a pound?