

New member
Anyone try and like the pre-rubbed ribs?  I'm solo this weekend with the wife away on a trip so I picked up a single rack of pre-rubbed St. Louis spares last night and just threw it in the smoker.  Yet another experiment for the new smoker. 
Don't know about pre-rubbed ribs but I hate those pre-marinated pork tenderloins that are out there.
I haven't tasted them yet but somebody darn better give me a pat on the back.  I went 5 hours without peeking and left in for one more hour to finish without ever wrapping.  This is a first!!  It didn't fall apart when I picked it up so I think I've got an opportunity to glaze lightly and finish on the grill. 
Meat was darn near perfect, just the right amount of tug but clean off the bone.  The only thing that kept me from going into a food coma was the rub that Swift used, not my fav ingredients.  While that worked in the SI, I made some smoked beans and smoked mac & cheese in the old faithful.



Dave, when you say pre-rubbed, do you mean the prepackaged ribs in BBQ sauce or some sort of dry rub?  Doing my first ribs this weekend in the SI#1 and exploring options.
DAve, those ribs look yummy. I saw that Costco has some pre-rubbed ribs that I was thinking of trying. Honestly though I think I prefer to use the rubs I know but it might be worth a try.
I won't repeat the pre-rubbed/seasoned ribs again.  Too much to lose and little to gain.  Stick with flavors that you know you like. 
Dave, personally I think the guys are cheating you by only a pat on the back! You deserve a hug for being willing to try pre-rubbed ribs and living through the experience!  8) So virtual hugs to you!  ;D
BedouinBob said:
Dave, personally I think the guys are cheating you by only a pat on the back! You deserve a hug for being willing to try pre-rubbed ribs and living through the experience!  8) So virtual hugs to you!  ;D

Absolutely! ;D  "pre-rubbed" from the store is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get!  And that's all I have to say about that.  Forest Gump.