Possible model 1 buyer


New member
Been thinking and researching for a while. Since he does so much for our family and his, going to buy my oldest son a smoker for fathers day. Looking at the model 1. Opinions welcome.

He will love it.... its the gift that keeps on given. I work ridiculous hours on the road and the one thing that brings the family together when I get home is firing up the smoker.  Highly recommended!!!!
Welcome to the forum. You cannot go wrong with a smoker from SI. The tough decision is what size to get. Will the 1 take care of current and future needs or would a larger model be a better investment? 
The #1 is built solid and works great just like all of the rest of the line.  It will serve your son well.

I personally own the #2 and labored over whether to get it or the #3 for the extra depth.  At the end of the day I'm very happy and just sometimes wonder if the #3 would have been worth it.  On the other hand, I pretty certain I would have had buyer's remorse had I gone with the #1 because of the size.

My personal recommendation would be to go with the #2 if you can make it fit your budget.
I love me my s1 model and don't regret getting the little guy for one second.  Take the plunge.

In two days last weekend I smoked..
Back Back Ribs
Beef Short Ribs
Rack of Lamb 2x
Bacon Wrapped Sea Scallops 3x

The size is perfect for me and if he uses it alot and wants to get a bigger one  someday the Smokin-It line of products is NOT THAT expensive anyway.
He is one lucky son! I have a #2 and use it for preparing for rather large tailgating groups but a #1 would easily suffice for my typical everyday use. Whatever you decide, he will love it.
Topdog, the toughest part about your decision is the model #. We like to host pool parties and thought the 1 would not accommodate the amount of food we need. I was set on the #2 then I realized that there is a good chance a full rack of ribs and a packer brisket would not fit due to the #2 not being deep enough. Final decision #3. I know that fiancially there is a big difference. For a gift I would go for the #2

Sounds like a great gift to me!  Is your son interested in smoking?  I know it would ruin the surprise but you may want to talk it over with him.  He may be willing to chip in a little and get the #2. 
Since it is a gift, I would give him the #2. If it was your you then you would know that the limited size of the #1 would be appropriate.

By giving the #2 you are giving him more options. Personally I have a #3 and couldn't go smaller.  He would appreciate the #1 but would love a #2.
My #2 was a birthday present from my wife and kids. It's become a great hobby that benefits them on a regular basis. In all seriousness when you start comparing smokers an SI is a bargin. Looks great, consistent results, and superior construction that can be used year round in any temperatures. Plus all his buddies and the neighbors will be jealous. 
After all the response and some further soul searching, the Model 2 will be here Wednesday. Thanks to all for the great feedback. The gift that keeps on giving. A thumbs up from Texas.
topdog77c said:
After all the response and some further soul searching, the Model 2 will be here Wednesday. Thanks to all for the great feedback. The gift that keeps on giving. A thumbs up from Texas.

Congrats!  It's a great smoker and now you have lots of future gifts...  turkey rack, seafood rack, jerky dryer, stand or cabinet, the list goes on...  :)
I love this forum already. Let me give a little more history of why I chose this brand and model. My youngest son is getting married end of this month. So me and the boys will be cooking for the rehearsal meal. Brisket and trimmings. For what I would pay for catering, I purchased this model 2 to use. And saving much more. We will break in this bad boy Father's Day weekend. Will try to post pics of each event.

Well. Got the Model 2 Wednesday just like they said. Got her unboxed and seasoned last night. Going to begin smoking some brisket this weekend. Been looking on here for ideas and tips for smoking them. Tons of information. I can't afford to screw this up, have to do 6 of them. Can I do more than one at a time in the model 2? Lets get this party started.
Full packer or flat only?  You are limited to rack size so folding or cutting may be necessary. Also during the smoke rotate the racks so that no one brisket stays close to the elemen for the entire smoke. I would rotate after the smoke has ceased, maybe 3 hours. This question has come up before and the search function should give you more helpful information regarding what has worked for others.