Pork Rinds


New member
Yesterday, I cold smoked a 5lb slab of belly useing pecan, for 6 hours, after a week in the dry cure. Warm smoked useing pecan for 2 hours until IT 150.  I removed the skin trying to keep the fat on the bacon & the skin clean. The bacon turned out great.

Today, the skin was cut into, roughly, 2 inch squares. Then placed on a seafood rack and put in the smoker @ 210 for 6 hours. The jerky fan was used for the entire smoke / dehydration.

Tomorrow, I will deep fry the pecan smoked & cured rinds & enjoy them with some recently ripened venison basturma & breasola.


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Definitely can't wait to see how this turns out!  I love pork rinds, and starting with smoked skin should be a real treat!  Hmm... that gives me an idea! 
No pictures of the final result. Fried them up until they puffed up and were floating, a minute or two. Salted them and let cool so they drain and get brittle. Great smokey flavor. Disappeared very rapidly. Will do every time I make bacon, from now on.