Pork Butts done to soon!! Help


New member
Need some advice, I started 2 Boston Butts one 6lbs and one 8lbs last night about 9pm. They are for my wedding rehearsal dinner tonight at 5:30. The IT now are at 194 & 187. Since we are not eating until 5:30 what would be the best way to keep them until then?
Double wrap in heavy foil, then place in a cooler and fill the empty space with towels or pillows - it'll hold and too hot to handle temp for at least a couple hours.
For future reference, start with 2 butts very close in size, within ounces not pounds. Figure 2 hours per pound multiplied by the pounds of the largest butt. Add 2.5 hours, subtract total from the time your event starts.

So if both your butts were 8 pounds, that is 16 hours + 2.5 Hours (Rest&Pulling)= 18.5 hours
Your event started at 5:30 PM so you should have put them on at 11:00 PM the night before, removing and wrapping them at 3:00 PM. Then rest them until pulling them immediately prior to 5:30

I hope all that makes sense to you, good luck on the wedding.

This allows you time to smoke the meat wrap, rest and pull it all prior to serving time.
Josh is spot on with the double wrap and towels.  The other option would be to lower the temp on the unit to 140, open the door briefly to let some heat out, and then let them sit for a few hours on warm and hold.  If necessary, then you can always pull the pork, put it in the oven and re-heat.  Hopefully all has work out well for you!