Pork Butt - Trying different tactic


New member
The last pork butts I made were ridiculously moist, like over the top, but delicious.

This time I trimmed ALOT of fat off, I almost seems like the pork butt needs no fat cap.

Fat cap side up.  Water tray inside and start at 235 degrees, upped it to 250 degrees which I have in the past.  Seems the pork butt can handle the extra heat EASILY, plus it knocks and hour or two off.

Will keep you posted, stalled at 180 degrees.  Will report back with photos.  No wrap....
I remove pretty much all of the fat cap on Boston butts.  It lets the brine penetrate better, and there is enough internal fat that the external stuff just isn't necessary, to keep the meat moist.  Max I go on box temp, though, is 235.  Interested to see what 250 does.

Edited to clarify what temp I was talking about...seems some thought I meant meat temp. ::)
It's done when you can stick a finger in it, long before 230. As for the fat, the most I do is score it in squares, what doesn't render during the cook melts into the pull. But that is just me, you guys keep doing all that extra work.
Pork Belly said:
It's done when you can stick a finger in it, long before 230. As for the fat, the most I do is score it in squares, what doesn't render during the cook melts into the pull. But that is just me, you guys keep doing all that extra work.
+1 Brian, that is exactly what I do also. Any big pieces of fat that don't render out are easy to remove while you are pulling it. Fat equals flavor!
Grampy said:
Pork Belly said:
It's done when you can stick a finger in it, long before 230. As for the fat, the most I do is score it in squares, what doesn't render during the cook melts into the pull. But that is just me, you guys keep doing all that extra work.
+1 Brian, that is exactly what I do also. Any big pieces of fat that don't render out are easy to remove while you are pulling it. Fat equals flavor!

+2 I don't trim the Boston Butts that I get from Sam's at all. They come with 1/8-1/4 of a fat cap and I haven't even scored them, although that is a good idea for me to remember to do going forward. Any fat that is leftover melts into the pulled pork quite nicely and melts even further if I have Pulled Pork that I have frozen and reheated. It helps keep reheated pork just as moist as when it was first pulled.
I am thinking of doing a butt this holiday weekend just curious what was the weight and how long did it actually take ( time / hr's ) to smoke and what a great idea on scoring the meat . Thanks guys .
I always plan for 2 hours/pound on butts. I start mine around 11:00PM-12:00AM the night before and a 7-9 pound butt is usually done between 12:00-2:00 or so. Then I double-foil and rest until dinner time.
Hehe... Seems the pork butt fat discussion is as lively as the "fat cap up or down" discussion on briskets!  Love it!  That's what makes this so fun - everyone has, and passionately defends, their techniques. 

Ginger - allow for 2 hours/lb, to be on the safe side.  Don't get a butt less than 7 lbs, either (they cook very unpredictably).  I, personally, use 1.5 hours/lb, because I've never had one take more than that.  That's because I buy my butts from the same place, so the quality of the meat is always similar...so they "behave" the same!

That's a tip, btw...  Buy your meat from the same supplier, every time, and you'll get more consistent/predictable results.
11 pound one trimmed and sitting in brine for tomorrow!  Food for the holiday!

From a butcher and not watery goo feeling from wally world.

Fat side up or down makes for good discussion but THANKS! Pork Belly for that pointer on scoring the cap....gonna do that next go round.
DivotMaker said:
Hehe... Seems the pork butt fat discussion is as lively as the "fat cap up or down" discussion on briskets!  Love it!  That's what makes this so fun - everyone has, and passionately defends, their techniques. 

Ginger - allow for 2 hours/lb, to be on the safe side.  Don't get a butt less than 7 lbs, either (they cook very unpredictably).  I, personally, use 1.5 hours/lb, because I've never had one take more than that.  That's because I buy my butts from the same place, so the quality of the meat is always similar...so they "behave" the same!

That's a tip, btw...  Buy your meat from the same supplier, every time, and you'll get more consistent/predictable results.

Yes, assuming your supplier is using the same supplier!  ;D
G man said:
Yes, assuming your supplier is using the same supplier!  ;D

Good point, Gordo!  Btw - good to see you again! :D  My local Sam's uses IBP (a Tyson company), and they're consistent as sunrise and sunset (at least for the last several years I've been buying my meat there).