Pork Butt Today


New member
I dry brined a 9+# butt with kosher salt overnight.

I put on Memphis dust w/o the salt.

Temp 250, 6 oz of hickory/apple no foiling. The butt hit 174 after 5 hours.

A darn good piece of meat after 10.7 hours.

Not sure I am sold on the no wrap philosophy but it was good.


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I really like the memphis dust, use it regularly on everything I have smoked recently.

I have done a butt just as you descibe with so so results, today I did a butt that I brined using the sticky brine recipe in the pork section, simply day and night differences.  You have to try it  well worth the little extra effort.

Btw (with very kind help from this site)  I went to a IT temp of 160, double foil wrapped and finished at 199 IT  let rest in cooler for 30 min.  simply great!

Jeff, glad you had dinner tonight!  :)

es1025, we all have different tastes and techniques.  I've tried some of the methods used here by others just to experience new and different ways.  Funny how I end up coming back to my tried and true (for me).  Just have an open mind and land on what works best for you. 
Hey Ed +1 what Dave suggests. Now you need to get his recipe for pork and beef injections. Also I have used his way of smoking with very good results. At 165 ish, pull the meat double wrap in foil or put in a foil pan and then place foil on top and seal. You can also add left over injection around the edges of the meat. Back in the smoker until you hit the internal temp. you are looking for. You can brine if you want but try his injection recipes they are really good. And if you want let me know and I will give you the recipes.
elkins20 said:
pull the meat double wrap in foil or put in a foil pan and then place foil on top and seal.

Double wrap in foil, and put in a sealed aluminum pan??  Seems like you should just get you one of those pressure cookers to finish it.  lol.  Not knocking it, if it works for you, but sure seems like a lot of overkill to have finish.  If I do use the Texas crutch, it's one layer of foil and back in the smoker to finish.  I can see what you've described in a stick burner, but certainly not in an SI!
I still want to just do a butt, in the smoker without wrapping. Just do the injection, smear with mustard and rub. Let hang out in the fridge for 12 hrs. and smoke to 195 IT. But, up next is going to be a flat of one of the briskets I cut into.
Hey Tony, next on my list is the meat slicer, and am sure the pressure cooker will be added of things we need but can't live without. I also want a coffee grinder to do spices. Especially salt to make it kind of a powder for the smoked almonds.