Pork butt done too fast


New member
It looks like my butt is gonna be finished around 8 hours too soon which is new to me. Looks like my options are towel and cooler, drop down to 140 when it is 190, or pull it save juice and re heat. If anyone else has a magical way by all means list it. My question is what is my best bet for quality? Will leaving it at 140 dry it out? Is 8 hours to long in a cooler? Will slow cooking ever stop being so unpredictable? Thanks!
It will stay hot for a long time in a cooler.  8 hours may be a stretch though.  I would probably leave the temp probe in it, put it in the cooler and monitor the internal temp.  If it got down near 140 I would probably move it to a crock pot and add some water or apple juice (if I didn't have any juice from the shoulder).  Pull or slice when ready to eat.

No worries, many cook butts previous to the time they are actually needed. Just remove and double wrap in foil and place in cooler with towels on top. Place in oven in roaster pan to warm up to temp just prior to searching time.
I think I would double wrap in foil and put back into the smoker at 140. 8 hours is longer than I would normally want to rest in a cooler and if your plan is to reheat for your evening meal, why reheat later.
Double wrap it in foil when it is done and put it back in the 140 degree smoker and it will be fine. I've held them that way 8+ hours numerous times with no problem.
Welp it decided to have a second stall got to love it.... at least I'll know what to do if it ever happens. This smoke has been kind of a disaster. Started with my auber acting weird and not heating up to tempature. I unplugged the smoker and got it to 225 using the stock one and then flipped the switch on the auber and it seemed to work great after. However, I then forgot to put the thermostat back up all the way and I was smoking at 215 without knowing until around 11. The temp should be ok as far as bacteria goes right? Put it on at 12 and it was 160 at 6am. I know meat is supposed to hit a certain temp by a certain time.
Yes, I think you will be fine. It jumps up to 140 (food safe temp) pretty quickly. You want it to get to 140 within 4 hours. My guess is that you were up to 140 in under 4 hours. From 150-160 on up she really slows down.
Hehe... Saw this post, earlier, and waited to chime-in, to see how it played-out!  Funny thing about butts...they climb really fast, at first!  I threw an 8 lb butt in the 2D at 3 a.m., Sunday.  I went back to bed and got up about 7; it was already at 155.  I just looked at the smoker, smiled, and went back in to drink coffee.

Next time I looked, around 9, it was at 160.  It remained at 160/159 for the next 4 hours!  Hehe...thought you were going to fool me?? ;D ;D  Long story short, the stall eventually broke, and started climbing, and the butt finished on-schedule, after 13 hours.

Moral of the story:  Large cuts will always stall!  ALWAYS!  It's just the science behind the cook that you cannot control.  So, rule #1:  Don't panic!  You will never smoke a pork butt at 225-235 and have it done in 4 or 5 hours...never! 

As for the hold:  If, for some reason, you do have something finish way ahead of schedule, double-wrap in foil and pack in towels in the cooler for up to 5 hours.  Anything longer, cool the smoker (with the door open), set to 140, and place the wrapped meat back in there at 140.  You can pretty much hold it indefinitely, like this.