Pork butt done in 5.5hrs?

Bigdog MN

New member
First post here, have read an awful lot and bought a #1. Today I did a 8.5# butt. Brined per one of Divot makers suggested recipes, coated in mustard and Famous Daves rib rub. 6oz Hickory from Smokinlicious. Set Auber for 225F with finish temp of 190 in the butt.  It was done in 5.5 hours which is awful fast compared to what others have posted for times. I inserted the temp probe in multiple places and it ranged from 193 - 195. It's wrapped and resting in a cooler.  Is it unusual to have it done so quickly?
That sounds way too fast.  You should double check with an instant read thermometer.  A lot of people take them to 200-205, that’s what I usually do time allowing.
My bet is that the internal  temperature probe penetrated the butt. This would cause the unit to run wide open the entire time.
I made sure the internal probe was in center of the meat and not near bone. When it was done I also checked multiple spots in the meat with the internal probe and all showed over 190.  After a 4 hour rest in cooler the bone almost fell out of the butt and the meat shredded easily.
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was referring to the temperature probe for the box that is mounted to the back wall of the unit, not the flexible probe for the meat.
My box temp probe is not mounted to the rear wall.  I have it mounted to the rack. Meat was about 2" from the box temp probe and the two probes showed a significant difference in temperature when I started.
Bigdog MN said:
I made sure the internal probe was in center of the meat and not near bone. When it was done I also checked multiple spots in the meat with the internal probe and all showed over 190.  After a 4 hour rest in cooler the bone almost fell out of the butt and the meat shredded easily.

Sounds like a successful smoke to me even if it was rather quick.  Side note:  Make sure the built in box probe is clean and tight. 