Pork Butt and Ribs this weekend!


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Smoking both a Pork Butt and 2 racks of back ribs for a work BBQ this Sunday.  I've done ribs twice before and they have come out OK.  The first time they were not as tinder as I would have liked. The 2nd I forgot to add a tin of water and didn't realize it until about the 4 hour mark.  I wondered if maybe adding a 2nd mini tin might help?

How long do I need to wait for the smoker to cool after the butt is done before putting the ribs in?  I had thought about doing both at the same time but dad had said it would be to much mass.  Not sure what I am doing yet for rubs, need to get into the cabinet and see how much of what I even have left over.

Question about the brine...Could I actually make it tonight and it still be good for tomorrow's usage?
Jake, lots of folks do ribs and butts together, but it could be a little tight in the #2.  I'm not a "combo" smoker; I like to let each meat have the spotlight all by themselves!  (Especially with meats that cook differently).

You can make up brine anytime and keep it in the fridge.  That's actually best, because it's cold when you put the meat in.  Don't know if your schedule allows it, but here's a thought:

1)  Brine the pork butt tomorrow night, around 10-12 hours is fine.

2)  Put the butt on, at 235 box temp, early (like before daylight early) Saturday morning.  Not sure how big it is, but you can usually count on around 1.5 hours/lb (sometimes more, but I've only ever done 1 or 2 that took longer than 1.5). 

3)  As soon as the butt hits 190, double-wrap it in foil and let it rest on the counter (to cool enough to refrigerate).

4)  Let the smoker cool for 30 min to an hour, with the door open.  You should be able to carefully remove the wood box and reload for the ribs.

5)  Put the ribs in.  They should take around 5 hours, so you'd have it all done Saturday night.

Both of these meats reheat very well.  If you have a crock pot, you can put the wrapped-in-foil butt in there, Sunday morning, for a few hours.  When it's hot, unwrap and pull it in front of your guests!  (I use a big disposable aluminum roaster pan for this).  The ribs can also be heated in a crock, if you have a second.  Just put about 1/4" of apple juice in the bottom, and set the half-racks in there on their sides, for a few hours.  Remove and slice!

My plan may be way-off, due to me not really knowing your schedule or timing, but maybe it will help you put your plan together! ;)
I attached an image of my schedule. 

I actually just reheated some ribs tonight that I made a couple of weeks ago using that method! 

Ill go ahead and make the brine tonight, seems the easier way to do it.  Will save me time on my way to work in the morning.  So thats a change in plans!  Still give it a good 10 hours in the mix. 


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You got it goin' on, Jake!  One recommendation - instead of rubbing the ribs, then straight in the smoker, you should pull the silver skin, mustard and rub Saturday night, wrap in plastic, and let them "get happy" in the fridge overnight!  This is like brining; it gives the rub a chance to penetrate, and the salt seals the surface of the meat to hold moisture (the whole brining chemical reaction thing).  Makes a difference in the moistness of the ribs.

Other than that, your plan looks solid!

The rub and the silver skin is all being done tomorrow, its at the bottom of the rib side.  I think I went through that schedule about 5 times to make sure I had it all worked out. 
Jake, go to the dollar store and pick up a couple of loaf pans. Either disposable or non stick. They typically have smaller sizes than the standard 8x8.

You dont need to wet brine a butt, i would dry brine use 1/2 tsp of kosher salt per pound. Sprinkle the kosher salt on butt after trimming and let rest overnight. I found this method produces very tender butts.

You definitely need the water pan. I use plain warm water.

Advanced prepartion is key, i did a butt and ribs last weekend. Turned out great, everything was timed out to the minute.

Good luck!
es1025 said:
You dont need to wet brine a butt, i would dry brine use 1/2 tsp of kosher salt per pound. Sprinkle the kosher salt on butt after trimming and let rest overnight. I found this method produces very tender butts.

We'll agree to disagree on this one, Ed!  Yes, the salt rub produces the protein molecule change on the surface of the meat, which retains moisture, but it doesn't infuse the flavors of the brine into the meat!  I've done it, but highly prefer the flavor from the liquid brine.  I know Meathead recommends that if you use his salt-free Memphis dust, and it achieves the desired result, just not nearly as well!
I have the tins, althogh I am running out of the mini loaf sized. 

Soaked in the brine for about 11 hours.  Getting happy now in the fridge with mustard and some rub.  Will get the ribs prepped and rubbed tomorrow morning.  Pretty excited for Sunday and having several people try this. 
Here are some pics of the finished products. Still need to pull the pork.  Its currently wrapped in tin foil and a towel until Im ready to pull.  Jenny says "We shouldn't take these ribs, they wont like them.  We will just eat them."  So I guess I did good!  Previously I had made ribs and they were good, but not fall off of the bone good.  First time I couldn't find toothpicks, 2nd time I forgot water.  This time I added a 2nd mini tin with water and after about 4.5 hours they were done!  Got these from Albertson's on a Buy 1, get 3 free deal.  I realized now after looking other places they jacked their price up.  But for $28 I got 4 racks of ribs, think I still came out ahead a bit.  BBQ starts in a couple of hours.  Picked up a 4 pack of Heinz BBQ sauce with Texas, Memphis, Carolina and Kansas City style bottles that Ill have on the side. 


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