Pork Belly

I go through a couple of rounds of cold smoke and then do a hot smoke with the SI set at 200 until the belly is about 150 deg IT. Works great! Let us know how it comes out!
Hi SK!  For your first post, you should have just said "What's better?  Chevy or Ford?" Lol! ;D  ...It's less controversial!  One thing I would recommend is head over to the Bacon section, and browse around.  You posted this in the Pork board, and although belly is indeed pork, you may want to cruise on over to where we get knee-deep in BACON!!  (I can hardly type such a great word in small letters).

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I hot smoke all of mine to an internal temp of 150. My last one was smoked with sugar maple from Smokinlicious. Its now one of my favorite woods to smoke with.
You'll probably find a pretty even mix of folks who cold smoke and folks who hot smoke with some who do both (as detailed in the preceding post).
Either way it'll be good!
I usually do 6 to 8 hours of cold smoke followerd by approximately a 2hour hot smoke using chips until IT 150. Peel the skin immediately and cube it into 2 inch squares. The next day I run the skin for 6 hours with no wood using the jerky fan @ 210 degrees. Then deep fry until floating. Let drain and crisp up. No waste, bacon &.pork rinds.