Poorly butchered butts :( Use string?


New member
Bought a 20lb twin pack from Gordon's (GFS). Pulled them out and BOTH have been cut about 1/2 way down the middle. GRRR. They are pretty floppy now, and I can only image they'll get worse as the cook. Guessing I need to use string to try and keep it from falling apart? Other ideas?
Yes, I would definitely tie each one to hold the pieces together during the smoke.  The slice in the middle was likely to remove the bone.
I've smoked plenty of Costco boneless shoulders and done nothing to them other than standard prep.  They turn out just fine. 
Dang! It was 22.5hrs to hit 193F internal on this 10lb boneless. Even with brining it's not nearly as juicy as it should be. Not a fan of boneless thus far.
I put in the other 10lb boneless last night so we'll see if it also takes longer than normal.
I did tie them both with string.
Slow to respond but......

You need to have a few of these on hand for butts that you think are going to fall apart or if you feel like making a ham. Super convenient and easy to use,also a lot faster than tying. I have also used them on chicken to get the waffle netted pattern on whole smoked birds.


Pork Belly said:
Slow to respond but......

You need to have a few of these on hand for butts that you think are going to fall apart or if you feel like making a ham. Super convenient and easy to use,also a lot faster than tying. I have also used them on chicken to get the waffle netted pattern on whole smoked birds.


Interesting ... it's plastic?
jpowell said:
Pork Belly said:
Slow to respond but......

You need to have a few of these on hand for butts that you think are going to fall apart or if you feel like making a ham. Super convenient and easy to use,also a lot faster than tying. I have also used them on chicken to get the waffle netted pattern on whole smoked birds.


Interesting ... it's plastic?
They also make them in a string type material used for making chartuerie.