Pig Candy


New member
Bacon ends, the parts that aren’t nice enough for the package.

225 degrees, sugar maple, 2 hours no look

Add REAL MAPLE syrup and favorite rub overnight.  I used this  http://www.oakridgebbq.com/shop/competition-beef-n-pork/#axzz3PK1r3xt1

Light heat, not a ton of salt.

Add brown sugar before putting in smoker.  I also used the fish rack with Pam spray

A+ great recipe,  near almost worthy of getting a second SI, one for appetizers and one for main course.

Recipe was sort of a “Jeff” copy for those that might have seen it before.  Delish!


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Oh, Man, John!  Looks like bacon jerky candy!  Nice job, and definitely "outside the box!"  I like it a lot!! ;D

BTW - do you have a jerky fan?  Might make it even better! ;)
Do not have the jerky fan. 

Does the fan work in conjunction to a regular smoke temp/time/recipe? Or used at the end of a cook?

The larger pieces were a bit chewy like some parts off a rib.  The thinner and the more (white fat) parts of the bacon were must better. 
Not sure if the fan would work well on the bacon ends, John - it just looked like you were making bacon jerky, so it popped in my head!  Like jerky, you would add the fan after the smoke phase, to help dry the meat, vs. just cooking it.  Seems like it might work well with those, but we'll see what others think. 
"Candy" was great day after cold.  Will try again.

I picked up an odd meat today at a discount store.  Uncured, smoked, Irish bacon.  Huh?

Frozen, 1.99 lbs.  Looks thin enough for next pig candy run.

FYI, I think the real maple syrup makes this recipe.  Any low (ish) salt rub will do. 
Sounds good, John!  I think Irish bacon is kind of like Canadian bacon, but with a fat layer around the outside.  If I remember right, it's also from "high on the hog" (back meat, as opposed to belly meat).  Should be good! ;)
"Irish Bacon" also called "Rashers" is made from the loin. The Loins are cured then partially dried to condense flavor and enhance preservation. It should have a herbal, peppery note not sweet and never smoked.
Brian, I remember having some Irish bacon years ago, before I knew much about our great hobby.  Almost has kind of a prosciutto taste/feel, doesn't it?

I'm guessing this has to be good in the SI :)



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Prosciutto is more dense and drier, typically sliced very thin. Irish bacon is more moist, yet drier than typical bacon. True Irish Bacon is made from the loin and is not smoked. I found it interisting that package says "made from an Irish recipe" and "lightly smoked"

Here is my last batch, I posted about awhile ago:
Pork Belly said:
Prosciutto is more dense and drier, typically sliced very thin. Irish bacon is more moist, yet drier than typical bacon. True Irish Bacon is made from the loin and is not smoked. I found it interesting that package says "made from an Irish recipe" and "lightly smoked"

Thanks for the clarification.  I really meant prosciutto-like, from a "texture" perspective.  I thought they partially-age Irish bacon, but I could be wrong.

I kind of found it interesting that the expiration date on the package was Oct '14. ???
Finished above packaged "irish bacon" Same recipe, though turned out different.

Less salty, more crunch, stuck to rack a lot.

Looks great for a burger topping NO ONE WOULD EVER HAVE TASTED BEFORE.

8 oz package filled one seafood rack.

Would do again, I'd bet this had more water in it than the bacon ends I used before.  Bottom of smoker had very little in it vs standard bacon misc piece ends.



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More pig candy with some bacon sitting in fridge.  Did 1 1/2 hour instead of two, a bit chewier but should settle better overnight.

Br Sugar
Maple Syrup
Use your favorite rub.

Perfect snack, topping or side dish.

PS, cast iron pan would not do again, but I only have one seafood rack at the moment.



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