"Permanently" mounting non permanent probe.


New member
So, having just got the Auber, with the clip on box probe, I wasn't excited about spending more money right off the bat for the nylon mounted permanent  probe.  Especially when the main advantage seems to be that it's always in the same place.

Honestly I like being able to remove the probe from the box for cleaning, and don't enjoy the idea of drilling holes in the smoker.

So...  Enter the split bolt. Mounted to the top rack, it'll make sure that the probe is in the same location each time, and that the probe doesn't spin on the rack while smoking. 

You can see in the second picture that it's a tight enough hold that I can pick up the rack from the probe cord.


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Just worked great for smoking some chicken wings...  I don't see there being any change it how it works...  It's non moving, and ensures that the probe is in the same spot every time...  Should be perfect.


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I'm all for innovation, Aaron!  But, what if you tune your Auber, with your setup on the top shelf, and then you can't use it there?  The advantage the wall-mount probe has is more than just "being in the same place" (although this is a BIG advantage!).

The wall probe has a nylon casing/mount.  Why? ...heat sink effect of metal-metal.  If a metal-based probe is mounted to metal, you will get a heat sink effect from the mounting surface.  This is from Auber, and why they use insulating nylon.

What's the big deal about being in one place?  Absolute consistency!  When that probe, literally, never moves, the tuning will stay dead-on consistent, every time!  Your setup will probably be close, should you change shelf positions, but it will change...trust me.  I spent a lot of time playing with different drop-in probe placement, and became frustrated beyond belief!  And, it's why I'm such a strong advocate of the wall-mount probe.  Drilling a 5/16" hole, in the back of the smoker, is no big deal, either; the probe fills the hole!

As far as cleaning.... I actually never really "clean" my box probe, like I do the meat probe, and have never had a problem with accuracy.  I will wipe it down, with a wet rag, after a smoke, but that's it.  Lazy Q.... ;)

Probe life?  ...Better than the drop-in.  First, the probe itself isn't touched or handled.  Second, the base of the probe is behind the smoker wall, so absolutely no chance of moisture getting in the probe.  Third, the wire is protected in the back of the smoker.  Probes are more long-lasting when they can't get wet, or handled!

Don't take this wrong...I'm certainly not "knocking" your solution, but rather pointing out why I believe the wall-mount probe has the advantage, for those considering the options.  I have 3 wall mounts, and have never had any issues with them!  Well-worth the time, and $, in my opinion.
I see no use in "fixing"  it until I have an issue is my point.  This was $0.63. It's been fine for smoking wings, then smoking salmon tonight.  No temp swings... Consistent box temp.  No reason to move it from top rack. 

This also isn't a drop in hanging probe.  It's the clip on probe.  By giving it a solid mounting position that will be unchanged.  You talk about the nylon probe being from Auber... This clip on probe is from Auber also. 

I get your point. A lot of people do it by drilling a hole and permanently mounting it...  But that's not the only way. 

I'll keep updating as needed, and trust me, when/if I have an issue with it, I'll say so. 
Aaron, I hope you didn't take it that I was "knocking" your approach!  I was merely pointing out the issue you might encounter, should you change the probe position.  If you are smoking something large (like a whole turkey), and need to relocate the probe, it might not read the same.

I see that it's the clip-on probe, from Auber.  I just mentioned the drop-in because that's what I tested with.  It's basically the same probe, minus the mount.  The point is that it's moveable.  This is where the tuning changes.  If you can always keep the top shelf in, it should work great! 

I look forward to you proving me wrong! :D  Good, healthy, debates are fun!  Nothing personal, Aaron, just giving my 2¢!  Hope your solution works great; I'll certainly recommend it, when it passes the test of time!