Output status indicator


New member
Hi All,

I have a newbie question that needs answering please.  I received a D3 on 12/26/17 and this past week I followed the instructions twice and initiated a seasoning of the unit.  Both times the unit ramped to 250 and ended at 4 hours respectively.  I did notice though that the green light for the Output Status Indicator blinked off and on throughout the whole process on the integrated Auber.  According to the literature :  When it is flashing it means the heater is on and off intermittently to reduce the power output. It should be synchronized with the power light on the cooking device.

I decided to initiate one of the preprogramed Recipes P2 for comparison and the green light flashed off and on as the unit ramped up as well. 

My question to all is: Is this normal?  If not what should I do respectively?  Synchronize the power light w/the cooking device?

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

BTW I combed the forum looking for an answer and none was to be found. 
David-Welcome to the forum. As to your question about the light going on and off that is normal. I will check on your question regarding syncing. That is new to me.
The green light stays on solid until the box temp reaches about 30 - 40 degrees before your set temp so that it eases into that temp without severely over running it.  My red light on top of the smoker is so dim that I barely see it unless it is dark out. That is the light that they are talking about being synchronized with, both solid when one is solid and both blinking when one is blinking. 
Thanks for clearing that up.  I rarely pay attention to my smoker.  It comes on, the temp rises, smoke starts and I am off to other things. Guess I should be a tad more attentive.
David, why  would you want to pay more attention to the smoker? Just go out enjoy the day and come back to some delicious food. I thought that was the Lazy Q method of smoking.
Thanks Super Dave, Old Sarge, and JustChillin for the quick responses.  I wanted to make sure I did not need to autotune the 3D (it came pre-programmed according to the instructions) before putting my first hunk of meat in the box and taking advantage of the Lazy Q lifestyle.

Have a great day folks!
Hi All,

Please note Steves reply about the Output status indicator light:


Normally the green lite will be a solid and not blinking when you first turn the smoker on from a cold start.  The lite will start to blink as the temperature gets close to your temperature set point as the PID is trying not to over shoot the target set point  This can vary somewhat as how close to the temperature set point you get but normally I seen about 20 to 25 degrees away.  Lower set points temperature can cause it to start even earlier

Steve Lamier