Opinions on what went wrong


New member
New here and new to smoking.  After much reading and research I decided to get the 2 for my smoking needs.  Seasoned it and couldn't wait to start.  Everyone said a BB is a great meat and hard to mess up.  I bought a 6lber and made it today.  I started it at  7 this morning.  Smoker was set at 250 with 6 oz. of apple wood.  At 815 tonight the temp on my thermometer still said 165 degrees.  I was dumbfounded, but figured I couldn't let this thing turn to jerky so I pulled it.  Brought it in and let it rest.  The bone was falling out and it was done perfectly.  My concern is that it took so long to cook and that my thermometer read so low.  Thoughts?  Maybe I just need to upgrade to a better thermometer.  I saved it this time, but don't want to screw it up next time. 
Well, I'm a newbie too but, "done perfectly" doesn't sound like anything went wrong, you're just at the beginning of the learning curve.  I'm sure you will soon get lots of sound advice from the experts.  They have so much experience; this forum was one of the reasons I chose my Smokin It #1.  Enjoy the food & the journey!
christian1 said:
New here and new to smoking.  After much reading and research I decided to get the 2 for my smoking needs.  Seasoned it and couldn't wait to start.  Everyone said a BB is a great meat and hard to mess up.  I bought a 6lber and made it today.  I started it at  7 this morning.  Smoker was set at 250 with 6 oz. of apple wood.  At 815 tonight the temp on my thermometer still said 165 degrees.  I was dumbfounded, but figured I couldn't let this thing turn to jerky so I pulled it.  Brought it in and let it rest.  The bone was falling out and it was done perfectly.  My concern is that it took so long to cook and that my thermometer read so low.  Thoughts?  Maybe I just need to upgrade to a better thermometer.  I saved it this time, but don't want to screw it up next time.

Sounds like the time for the smoke was about right and if the bone was falling out and it was done, you have a bad thermometer.

Just my 2 cents, but the two best investments besides your smoker is a digital scale and a decent thermometer or 2!.

For wireless remote a lot of us here use the Maverick ET-733 cost is around $70.00 on amazon. Also I would buy a instant read thermometer.

I own the Maverick 733 and its great, but there are some less expensive ones out there.

I also own Thermoworks instant read thermometer, reads in about 3 seconds. (cost about $80.00). There are cheaper versions of the Thermoworks that you can pick up for $25.00 or less. I own the Lavatools which is $25.00, but you might also want to check out the the Palermo Digital Barbecue Meat Thermometer cost is $19.00.

Here is some links you can checkout below. 

Maverick 733

Lavatools Javelin/Thermowand  $25.00 on Amazon. Reads in about 4 seconds.

Palermo Digital Barbecue Meat Thermometer cost is $19.00.

Congrats on your smoke!

If the bone pulls out with little or no resistance the pork butt is done perfectly.

I would invest in a chef alarm thermometer.  A little more expensive than the maverick and better quality.

$49.99 + $3.99 shipping.
I knew I would get some shots about it "being done perfectly" and my post.  Trust me I am not complaining about the quality.  I simply don't want to have problems in the future.  I will look into a new thermometer.  Thanks for the suggestions. 

13 hours isn't out of line on a pork butt. Even a 6 pounder. Check your thermometer in a pan of boiling water and then a pan of ice water. Water boils at 212 degrees and becomes ice at 32 degrees.  I smoke butts at 235 and they go 16 to 18 hours without fail. Also smaller pieces of meat are harder to get to cooperate. 
Welcome aboard, Chris!  Sounds like you had a good smoke, but need a better thermometer! ;)  If the butt had truly been at 165, the bone would absolutely not have pulled out clean. 

As has been said, this is a learning process, and it sounds like you're on the right track!  Good luck with your future smokes, and let us know how we can help!  Be sure to post some pics, if able...we love pics to drool over around here! :P
I might recommend a ThermoWorks RT301WA pocket thermometer I use it prior to pulling whatever I am smoking in my #1 & #3 smokers. Normally I will use both the auber meat probe and also the maverick 732. This is just an added safety thermometer as I really don't trust the maverick.
Check this post out as an added choice.
I wonder if your probe placement caused the inaccurate reading. Make sure you place your probe in the thickest portion of the butt and make sure that it doesn't get too close to the bone.
NDKoze said:
I wonder if your probe placement caused the inaccurate reading. Make sure you place your probe in the thickest portion of the butt and make sure that it doesn't get too close to the bone.

Now that I read Gregg's post, could the probe been touching the rack?

Hey Chris, pictures are worth a thousand words. Also when you think about it could you add your name and home town to the signature list in your profile. We are a friendly bunch here and love to know people's first names. So we know who were talkin to.
Pork Belly said:
If the butt had truly been at 165, the bone would absolutely not have pulled out clean.
I'd bet a $100 that butt hit 190-195

Totally agree. Otherwise the bone would not have come out clean.

My guess is still bad probe placement.

In the end it sounds like it turned out well, so it was a win.