Okay, so I like pizza

RG 2.0

New member
If you've followed my trip to Texas you know that I ate my fill of BBQ. Today was my first day back to work and I knew that I didn't want to eat out for dinner so last night I made up some pizza dough. My Daughter was having a friend over tonight (who is also afflicted with the sickness known as veganism) so I figured I'd feed some vegan nonsense style pizza to them as well as make myself something decent.

My Daughter came up with a couple of oddball recipes, my wife made them so I am not sure what they were. I know one pizza was a Buffalo Chick Pea Pizza with Daiya Vegan "Cheese" on it and the other had pizza sauce, that fake cheese and mushrooms and olives I think. Not really sure, I don't want to waste too much time on that nonsense :P

I made myself a BBQ Chicken, Bacon, Pineapple, Red Onion, Jalapeno Pizza (yes technically it's still BBQ, lol) I used Mo'-Rockin Chicken Rub on the chicken, good stuff!

I even made some bread sticks and a little bacon pizza for my Poms to share, they like pizza too!

Buffalo Chick Pea Nonsense

BBQ Chicken


A Little more BBQ Sauce on Top? Why not?

Sticks of Breadness

Pizza for Poms
Rich B said:
She'll love this video then!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0O_VYcsIk8

My Wife showed it to her the other day on the way back from Texas. She was not amused, lol.
BedouinBob said:
LOL! Ok, that chickpea thing is just WRONG.... and that's a quote from me.  ;)

Preaching to the choir my friend! I went down into the basement where they were hanging out and I asked them "What's THAT smell?", there was a funk in the air and I soon figured out it was that damn pizza, lol.
RG said:
Preaching to the choir my friend! I went down into the basement where they were hanging out and I asked them "What's THAT smell?", there was a funk in the air and I soon figured out it was that damn pizza, lol.

Lynyrd Skynyrd said it best....

"Oh that smell
Can't you smell that smell
Oh that smell
The smell of death surrounds you!Oh that smell
Can't you smell that smell
Oh that smell
The smell of death surrounds you!"

Vegan?  Did college get to her that quickly?  Its a phase:)

I know most schools (kids) have banned pnut-butter.  Wait till I send my 5 year old on the bus with a pulled pork sammie

jcboxlot said:
Vegan?  Did college get to her that quickly?  Its a phase:)

I know most schools (kids) have banned pnut-butter.  Wait till I send my 5 year old on the bus with a pulled pork sammie

John, I wish that were the case. She went to college that way, lol. She used to eat brisket, pulled pork, bacon, sausage, eggs, all of the good stuff ;)

She watched a film about processing chicken and moo moos and bam! No more meat. She ate fish for the last 2 years but didn't eat dairy at all. No eggs, no cheese, no milk. Almond milk, Soy milk, fake cheese were the new norm for her. Pathetic, lol. She had said that when she went to college she would give up fish, and she did! Totally Vegan. Reads EVERY label before buying or eating food. She wanted some green tea drinks for her and her oddball buddy that came over, my wife bought them. My Daughter comes up from the basement saying "These aren't Vegan, they have honey. I can't drink them"

Well, that about got my goat. I have a 12 pack of stinkin' green tea that will never be drank. I asked her what the problem was with honey, it's not harming the bee, they make honey anyway. It's what they do! She said it was a long answer and began to tell me about some article she read that the bees need to be in the wild, spreading pollen and because they are being "harvested" it's hurting the environment. Can't win an argument with her for 2 reasons. The first being she's smart as they come and secondly, she's stubborn (like her dad).

So....I walked away, shaking my head and began thinking that those cans would be good for the firing range!
Two groups of people I admire for their courage:  Vegetarians and Liberals.  And I am happy to be neither. 

Loved the video!