not so new model 2 owner


New member
I've had the model 2 for about two years now.  I mostly only make jerky, brisket, and pulled pork with it.  I've really come to love brisket and I seem to always fall back to it rather than trying something new.  I've only made chicken are ribs once each. They were good, but its hard to beat a big slab of beef.  I've gotten too comfortable with those three things and need to start branching out more.

I love jerky and have made dehydrator jerky off and on for years.  I wanted to make better jerky and that is what got me reading/researching smoking.  With the smoker, jame's dryer and Divotmaker's equilibrium brine I've been able to achieve my goal, excellent jerky comparable to the kind a small butcher used to make when I was a kid.  Real jerky, its not always easy to find but when you do, its so good.  Now I can make it myself. 

Welcome from ND Brian!

You have come to the right place to get some new ideas on things that you can smoke.
Welcome Brian from SE Arizona.  Good to see you check in and that the SI2 is serving you well.
Welcome (again), Brian!  Great to have you with us!  Oh, and I appreciate you branching out and being "social!" lol.  "Social" is how we roll, 'round here! ;D