No Peek vs. Foiled Ribs Taste Test


New member
I decided to run an independent taste test on my company today. It was a blind taste test between no peek and
3-2 foil wrapped baby backs. The consensus was that the no peek was favored for flavor and the wrapped was favored for moistness and tenderness. So, the dilemma remains how to achieve the perfect ribs.
Darn I should of check my mail for the invite  :'( :'(, maybe next time sounds like it was a success.
Coke or Pepsi?  Chevy or Ford?  lol...  The questions in life that will never be answered!  But hey, Dave, those we cook for always love our experiments! :D
Would have loved to have been on that judge panel. Looks like niether method won but your your guests certainly did!
Great experiment.  Got a three pack of Costco ribs yesterday, might just have to try myself.  ;D
I first time no peeked 2 racks of baby backs this weekend in my #2. Water pan, 225F
I should have checked them at 4hrs, but went 5. Turned out a smidge dry. I will check next time around the 4hr mark.
I have historically been a wrapper, but would really like the no peek to work. Practice practice practice..
DivotMaker said:
Coke or Pepsi?  Chevy or Ford?  lol...  The questions in life that will never be answered!  But hey, Dave, those we cook for always love our experiments! :D

  Ford and Coke..... lol
Traditional Smoking, the new way....
With this smoker you decide to check and wrap or just forget and enjoy. I have done both and for me, if the end results are about the same...
Drink a beer and enjoy the results.
Best Greg
If you drank enough beer you likely will forget to check and wrap anyway.  It's all good in the end so enjoy your beer.
gregbooras said:
Traditional Smoking, the new way....
With this smoker you decide to check and wrap or just forget and enjoy. I have done both and for me, if the end results are about the same...
Drink a beer and enjoy the results.
Best Greg
Some of the best advice ever given..... practicing as I type  lol