No Peek St. Louis Jerky


New member
Having never been a fan of the no peek method, I now believe that I'm just cursed.  I decided to give the SI another chance to redeem itself and produce some good ribs by way of the no peek method.  Well, I'm ordering out for my dinner tonight.  :'(  I flipped the switch this morning and forced myself to stay away.  When I went out to check my ribs at the 4.5 hour mark I had a slab of charcoal.  The heating element clearly never shut off and burnt the ribs to a crisp.  Words can't express how disappointed I am.  I am destined to be a peeker and a wrapper. 
All is to be ok SD. I see you've been around for sometime so I know you know you have a Super Smoker, just like your Super. What I did to solve that issue is finally get it through my head that 1) it's not done till its done, and 2) get me a device to tell me when I am approaching the internal temp I desire for what it is I am cooking. Now I don't know a first thing about jerky but if you get yourself a Maverick or like device and a thermapen to start with you can't avoid the peeking and begin to probe or check exact temps when you get close, very close to your desired internal temp. I know I'm not telling you something you don't already know as your probably far more experienced than I, but this is what helped me from these situations and both my son in laws as well. Happy Smoking!
SuperDave said:
Having never been a fan of the no peek method, I now believe that I'm just cursed.  I decided to give the SI another chance to redeem itself and produce some good ribs by way of the no peek method.  Well, I'm ordering out for my dinner tonight.  :'(  I flipped the switch this morning and forced myself to stay away.  When I went out to check my ribs at the 4.5 hour mark I had a slab of charcoal.  The heating element clearly never shut off and burnt the ribs to a crisp.  Words can't express how disappointed I am.  I am destined to be a peeker and a wrapper.

Was this using the stock controller?  How is it possible that ribs could be charcoal at 4 1/2 hours?
DivotMaker said:
SuperDave said:
Having never been a fan of the no peek method, I now believe that I'm just cursed.  I decided to give the SI another chance to redeem itself and produce some good ribs by way of the no peek method.  Well, I'm ordering out for my dinner tonight.  :'(  I flipped the switch this morning and forced myself to stay away.  When I went out to check my ribs at the 4.5 hour mark I had a slab of charcoal.  The heating element clearly never shut off and burnt the ribs to a crisp.  Words can't express how disappointed I am.  I am destined to be a peeker and a wrapper.

Was this using the stock controller?  How is it possible that ribs could be charcoal at 4 1/2 hours?

Sounds to me like you were cooking with your bypass enabled without the Auber or something similar.

I only smoke St Louis ribs and they usually take 6-7 hours. I smoked some beautiful racks for Father's Day at 225 for 7 hours and I think that they were the best I have ever smoked.

My trusty analog controller has not failed me yet. :)
Yep, I'm assuming it was the 400 - 500 degrees for 4 1/2 hours that made the charcoal.  I was using the analog controller since I didn't need to monitor anything.  I guess that didn't workout so well. 
I always watch the smoker through the first heating cycle until the red light shuts off.    Usually the red light shuts off in about 45 minutes, but when it goes longer I will often lower the temp gauge just to make sure that it is going to shut off. 
Doesn't the analog controller shut only go to 250*? That would mean it would not go probably any higher than 275 on the variation cycle.
EFGM said:
Doesn't the analog controller shut only go to 250*? That would mean it would not go probably any higher than 275 on the variation cycle.

I am pretty sure that Dave has his #4 bypassed (this effectively takes the stock controller out of the picture), so that his external Auber can control the element unimpeded. So, if you forget to disable the bypass and run the smoker without the Auber regulating the element, the element would have been at full blast the entire time.
NDKoze said:
EFGM said:
Doesn't the analog controller shut only go to 250*? That would mean it would not go probably any higher than 275 on the variation cycle.

I am pretty sure that Dave has his #4 bypassed (this effectively takes the stock controller out of the picture), so that his external Auber can control the element unimpeded. So, if you forget to disable the bypass and run the smoker without the Auber regulating the element, the element would have been at full blast the entire time.

Well, that's what I would call "pulling a 'Doug' "
Since I my Dog is not tall enough to reach the plug!
To avoid me "pulling a Doug," I put a 3 position switch in line and when the Auber is unplugged and stored the switch goes in the off position. That way I have to switch it either to the Auber Position or OEM position for it to come on.
SuperDave said:
Having never been a fan of the no peek method, I now believe that I'm just cursed.  I decided to give the SI another chance to redeem itself and produce some good ribs by way of the no peek method.  Well, I'm ordering out for my dinner tonight.  :'(  I flipped the switch this morning and forced myself to stay away.  When I went out to check my ribs at the 4.5 hour mark I had a slab of charcoal.  The heating element clearly never shut off and burnt the ribs to a crisp.  Words can't express how disappointed I am.  I am destined to be a peeker and a wrapper.

This is all clear now, Dave!  I forgot you had the bypass switch.  Please don't let a "user error" mistake deter you from the joys of not wrapping!  Next time, just make sure you're making the right temp before you leave!  "No peek" does NOT mean "No Monitor!"  ;)  While I don't have to go out and adjust temps and babysit my smoker, I still don't leave it totally to its own devices, to do as it pleases!  I also never leave the house, when the smoker is doing its thing, just I wouldn't leave while something is in the oven. 