No Luck in Seasoning


New member
I followed these directions (this might be my fifth time trying):

ress SET

Use the + button to select 250 in the right window.

Press SET

Use the +  or - to select "t" in the right window

Press SET again

Use + to set 4.0 in the right window

Keep hitting SET to cycle through steps 2-6.  Once you see a temp displayed in the left window, you are done! 

The green led (out) is lit along with the red led (time).
I can walk away from it for 15 or 20 minutes and there is no change in temp, showing 78 now, around 80 a bit ago..

I must be missing something obvious?
Do you have it plugged in to another power cord or surge protecter?
If so just plug smoker in outlet with no other cords.
It's a two outlet box, the 3D has the upper one to itself while (did not use a power cord) -- the other outlet runs to a bug zapper
Hmmm that was the only thing I could think of and it sounds like you setting it right. Hopefully someone will jump in here to help.
Or try to unplug it for a minute and try again or another outlet.

(Times likes this just wants to make ya pull your hair out)
When you cycled thru the other steps were there any values other than zero?  And I agree with turning the unit off and using an outlet not shared with any other device. Turning off allows for a reset.
I turned it off for a bit, switched outlets and unplugged the bug zapper. I went through each setting and made sure it was 0 for every other settings. Both lights lit up, left it for 20 minutes and the temperature reflected the outside temp: 78 now. 
Have you opened the door after say 5 mins to see if heating element is getting hot at all? If it's not then a wire might have come lose!
I think last week some one was seasoning there #2 and would not heat and they took apart and a wire had come off.
I've opened the door and it has been the same temperature as outside, I see no evidence of heat. I can touch the metal inside. If I'm getting power to the temperature sensor device, wouldn't that mean the heater element is getting it as well? Or can the power be somewhere below 100%?
Take the wood box out so that your just looking at the heating element and turn it on with the door open it should in just seconds start to get hot (element) put your hand right over the element. No heat no power to the element.
no heat to the element, which I guess is no power but the temperature controller on top works.  i gather i need to talk to the smokin-it folks, I'll email them
Go to the main page of forum and click on Model 1 the little guy and the next page on the top click on New model 1 problems.
He had the same problem but on the number 1 not the 2 as I thought.
We wound up having to take all the fiberglass out along with the shield. There are a few before pictures along with an after. The smoker is now working and am close to a half hour in to the seasoning process.  Thanks all for the help


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SmokinInNH said:
40 caliber said:
please update your signature line so we know your name? is this jim or someone else?

not Jim but updated  8)

welcome Mark, I am from Hollis NH and had a SI2 for 6 months and just switched over to a 3D (and a 2 until august). I have been talking to Jim vie email that I met here. his 3D is coming in shortly and he was excited. I thought that might be him.

welcome aboard Mark! where you located in the " first in the nation " (at least in presidential politics) state?
Hi Mark, I'm the aforementioned Jim. Also from NH..up in Laconia. Hi Tom. Just started seasoning a few minutes ago!