News about the R&D efforts around the Sausage Rack product line


Since the initial released of the Sausage Rack 1000 (SR-1000) in October 2014, the SR-1000 has hung several hundred pounds of snack sticks, fry sausage, and summer sausage. Here is a post from the initial release:

50lbs of Snack Stix on the docket for this weekend

Well, our R&D department has been hard at work and we are pleased to announce the release of the Sausage Rack Mini (SRM-1000). After the wildly successful launch of the SR-1000, we wanted to release a product for the smaller home processor. While the SR-1000 can hold 75-100 Lbs. of meat, the SRM-1000 can still hold approximately 50 Lbs. of meat. See attached pictures.

We are also pleased to announce the beta version of the Sausage Rack Transport (SRT-1000) system that allows for the safe and secure transport of your stuffed/hanging sausage products. See attached pictures.

OK, OK, OK. I know this isn't brain surgery and I haven't solved the world's hunger problems by creating a pretty basic set of racks for hanging stuffed sausage products to rest prior to smoking. I know it is quite possible and even probable that many other people have made similar racks. And I know that the SRT-1000 Beta is just a set of card board boxes with the SR-1000 hanger rods resting on them. I am just having some fun with this. :P

On a serious note, the rack that I made for my parent's house where we do the bulk of my family’s meat processing has worked so well over the past 3 seasons that I decided to add a smaller rack in my garage at home so that I have a place to hang my sausages when my boys and I make smaller batches of sausage. As you can see from the pictures, this rack is just a set of garage/closet type metal shelving wall brackets screwed into the wall studs and two snap-in shelf brackets, and some 4' X 1-1/4" dowels.

We often make 150-250 Lbs. of fry sausage and summer sausage at a time. So, it is just not practical nor feasible to use my Smokin-It #3 for all of this sausage. I think even the #4 would not be able to handle this much meat at a time. So, we still take our fry sausage and summer sausage out to our small town German meat market where they smoke our sausage for a VERY reasonable price (usually around $30-$40) and do an absolutely fabulous job. In the past we have always moved the sausage from the SR-1000 racks to meat lugs and freezer paper lined cardboard boxes. But this year, I thought to myself, “Why don’t I just make a rack for the back of the truck to set the SR-1000 racks on?” Thus the idea for the SRT-1000 Beta was born.

For next year, I am going to flesh out a wooden frame for the SRT-1000 Beta which will then be renamed to the SRT-2000. I am also going to switch over to metal conduit rods that are the same material and length as the ones that they use in the smoker at our small town meat market. Then, we will be able to take the rods full of sausage directly from the SRT-2000 rack and immediately place them in the smoker. Previously, we always had to transfer the sausage to the longer rods from the meat market. Which was a waste of time.

So, thank you to those that took the time to indulge me and dad this long post. :)

I hope everyone is getting ready to have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


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