Newbie with Pork Shoulder Weather Emergency


New member
Third smoke in my new 3D. 

  I am in Virginia.  Dinner tomorrow afternoon at relative house 2 hours away from my home.

Planned to start smoke this evening and pull meat in the morning before departure but a fast approaching snowstorm forces me to leave tonight with only 6 hours in the smoker.  7 pound shoulder in at 250F for 2 hours. Current internal temp is 95F.

I assume the meat will not be at 160F by the time I need to bug out before the storm. 

Should I wrap in foil and finish in the oven at our destination tonight.

Or, should I allow to cool tonight and slow cook / reheat in the oven tomorrow ?

Or ?

Thanks in advance for the help.


Welcome Wayne! I am also new to the SI forum having received my #2 last Monday. I have found that this site offers a ton of reliable and tested information. One thing that I find interesting on this site is how men can be excited talking about how another mans BUTT looks really good. Enjoy your new 3D.
Leave it in the smoker as long as you can to get the smoke taste. Wrap it in foil, and place in a pan or something to capture any juices for your two hour drive. Let it chill overnight in the refrigerator when you reach your destination, then in the morning, put it in a slow cooker on high with any juices plus some apple juice or water. Turn it to low to hold when it seems tender, until you are ready to eat. It should have some smoky taste, but maybe not as intense. It should still be moist and delicious though.
Smoke in the SI's is long gone way before 6 hours.  Wrap and finish later should still produce a good result. I did a butt today and only left in the smoker 4.5 hours before wrapping and finishing in the smoker. 
Thanks for the tips. 

Got in to destination just ahead of 8 inches of snow.  Did exactly as suggested with foil and oven the next day.  Delicious - and all gone now.

Loving the internal temp probe and the PID loop controller.