Newbie questions and a tip


New member

I experimented with an "Alton Brown" ceramic smoker for a year to make sure I could devote the time and energy required to smoking meats. I quickly realized that smoking, particularly electric smoking was the way for me (lazy-Q all the way), which then lead me to this forum and ultimately the purchase of a model 3D. Since Father's day I have smoked something different nearly every weekend. Nothing has been perfect, but I can see where little tweaks here and there will make big differences for the next time.

I have a few questions and a tip:

Is there any reason to be concerned about ashes from chips falling onto the heating element? I can't imagine there is absolutely no dust/ash from chunk wood falling onto the heating element and the "chip box insert" accessory seems to be pricey for something I could easily duplicate with an aluminum boat.

Maybe my side rack holder thingies are overly tight or warped but the middle ones are much more difficult to remove racks from when hot than the top or bottom ones. Is this normal and/or by design?

Is there any real need to place the racks in the slots of the side rack holder thingies? There isn't really enough play for them to go anywhere if one places the rack(s) on top of the slot(s)?

Which is preferred and why, leaving empty racks in while smoking or removing them? Clean up is easier if you leave unused racks out, but they are bulky and may otherwise serve as a heat sink of sorts...

Tip time:

To flip a rack full of wings (or similarly sized items) in seconds, simply place an unused rack on top of a full rack creating a "sandwich" and flip them both. Quick and easy!

I thank you in advance for your input and apologize if my tip is provided elsewhere, I just thought I would pass on something I "discovered" to future newbies.
First off, welcome.
As to your questions:  No need to worry about ashes falling on the element as they are contained in the wood box.

By not using the rack guide, you risk the rack tipping and dumping your food when pulling it out to remove your food.

Placing one rack on top of the food for flipping is a neat idea.  But, since we smoke low and slow, there are not too many meals that require flipping the food as you would in high heat grilling.

The racks can stick and be just a tad difficult to remove when the unit is hot. When you seasoned your smoker, you noticed the patina it developed.  Sort of like a varnish but way better smelling. And it is sticky but after cooling is smooth to the touch. Nothing to worry about. Just takes a bit of effort.

I remove all racks not being used.

Now a question for you:  You state that you have been smoking everyday since FD and nothing has been perfect.  Some more info high be helpful.  Plenty or folks here have honed their techniques and turn out great chow.

Thanks for the quick response.

Technically I have only been smoking on weekends. To date I have smoked pork ribs (x2), pork butt, hamburgers, bacon wrapped hot dogs, brats, hot links, bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers, tri tip, bacon wrapped baked potatoes, spatchcock chicken, and chicken wings. Even my failures were generally as good, if not better, than the local so called BBQ food joints. Just not legendary, but I am confident that wil come. I am still trying to man up to a brisket... All in all not too bad for one month.

As for flipping, I understand that SI is the ultimate in lazy-Q and that flipping breaks the commandment of "thou shalt not open/peek" but the reason for me flipping is that I am absolutely neurotic about crispy chicken skin, so I smoked the wings full throttle (350) for two hours, flipping half way through. I had very little issue with sticking (maybe 3 or 4 wings out of 10 pounds), though I did spray the racks with Pam before hand. In retrospect I would have also rotated the top and bottom racks. Only after they were done did I introduce the wings to any sauce (I goosed some Frank's sauce with garlic, butter, black pepper, and worcestershire sauce).

My real concern with the stiff racks is that wrestling with them has caused me to (unknowingly) sacrifice a number of goodies to the smoke gods. I am hopeful things will loosen up over time and/or that my need for maximum food will be better balanced against my space management skills. My family of five can do an amazing amount of damage to hot wings, before having friends over...

My racks slide in and out easily, but I do not have a 3D. They should not be so tight that they are not able slide. Chicken skin is not going to get crispy, flipping or not. Just leave the door closed, skin side up, and when done, crisp up the skin on a grill, under the broiler, in a super hot oven, or using a blow torch or Searzall.
Yo, Yo! (See what I did there? LOL!)  Love the screen name, but we also love first names!  You can put it in the signature line, along with your town, so we know a little more about our new friend!  We're like family, around here, so Welcome! 8)

Dave (Old Sarge) and Kari (SconnieQ) pretty much covered it!  I might add that, if your middle shelves are hard to get out, one (or both) of the shelf guides may be a bit "sprung."  Remove them, and give them a little bend (middle outward).  It shouldn't take much, at all.  They should slide in and out easily.  Oh, and I definitely recommend keeping the shelves in the guides!  If not, it's not a question of will you dump a rack of meat, as much as it is a question of when you'll dump a rack of meat! ;)

My racks stick a bit, but I think it is just the varnish like stickiness that Dave eluded to in his response. Once I get that initial sticking sprung my shelves slide easily.

I only use the racks that I need. The other ones are stored with the rest of my smoking supplies. I do have 5 standard racks and 5 seafood racks (used for jerky and when I need more than 5 racks) that I use.