Newbie question....


New member
Ok folks, I'm pretty new to all this so please don't laugh TOO hard.....Here we go.... Can I fill my smoker up with ribs, cook them about 1/2 way through, take them out, freeze them and then take them out 1 or 2 or 3 at a time and finish smoking them? Will I get the same result as if I cooked them all the way through the first time or will the quality suffer? Thanks in advance for any advice and please reply once you stop laughing!

Jim C :D
I cook the Sam's or Costco 2 packs all the time and vacuum seal one of the racks for later.  They are great just defrosted and microwaved.  Cook your ribs all the way and then freeze.
SuperDave said:
I cook the Sam's or Costco 2 packs all the time and vacuum seal one of the racks for later.  They are great just defrosted and microwaved.  Cook your ribs all the way and then freeze.

I agree.  Cook all the way and then freeze.  They heat up beautifully in the microwave, wrapped in foil in the oven, in a slow cooker with a bit of liquid, or in a bag in a sous vide bath.
Yup, smoke all the way then vacuum bag 'em.  You will not lose anything when reheating except the added time you would have spent finishing 1/2 cooked ribs.
I always try and smoke extra ribs and often butts too. Cook them all the way, cool and vacuum pack the extras and then freeze. I reheat in a sous vide setup but others use slow cookers, simmering water in a pan, the microwave, or foil wrapped in the oven. Add some beans, slaw, and rolls and you have a really easy, quick, no mess meal. I recently reheated ribs this way for a dinner guest who regards himself as a rib expert and he said they were the best ribs he had ever had.
+agree, cook all the way, freeze. I vacuum seal and reheat ribs sous vide, but before I had a vacuum sealer and sous vide, I wrapped them tightly in two layers of foil, and into the freezer. Then I could thaw and rewarm in the oven wrapped in the same foil, and they were as good as fresh! You can reheat ribs surprisingly well in a microwave if you are in a hurry (remove the foil though :o).
Welcome, Jim!  Ribs vacuum seal great, fully cooked!  You can also heat them in a crock pot, on low, with about 1/4" of apple juice in the bottom.  Stand them on their sides, and you can get a bunch in there.  3-4 hours, and they come out like the day you smoked them!  No need to cook halfway through; it'll be too unpredictable. 
Getting a vacuum sealer really took my smoking to the next level I always smoke more than needed and vacuum seal then freeze. It actually tastes better(smokier) later on after reheating. If you don't have one already and if at all.possible I highly recommend getting one.
+1  The vac sealer  was one of the best investments I made, and my wife actually uses it more than I do for sealing all kinds of things!