Newbie problems


New member
Hey Guys,

I just started smokin on my model 2 on Friday. The first thing I smoked was salmon and Polish sausage. I set the smoker to 200. Two hours later the salmon read done at 140. It was done perfectly but I used too much wood and got a bitter taste :-[.

Yesterday, I smoked three racks of baby backs. I rubbed them and put them in the smoker at 225 with a can of PBR sitting on the bottom next to the smoker box and let smoker do its work. After four hours I put some Sweet Baby Rays sauce on and finished up for an hour and a half. Total cook time: five and a half hours at 225. The ribs looked beautiful, the smoke was dead on, but they were a bit dry and all of the connective tissue did not render. Any suggestions on what I can do to improve?

Hi Luke,

Congrats on your inaugural smokes!  You've learned a little wood goes a long ways in these!

As for the ribs, a couple of suggestions.  First, use a binder for the rub (I like yellow mustard), if you didn't.  Mustard works well because it helps hold moisture in the meat.  The other suggestion is to use a disposable aluminum mini-loaf pan for moisture.  An open beer can probably didn't get hot enough to give off much moisture, especially if you started with it cold.  Try a loaf pan about 1/2 full of room temp apple juice or beer next time.  It is shallow and wide, so there's more moisture given off.

Also, you said the connective tissue wasn't completely rendered.  Was the meat tender, and fall-off-the-bone?  If not, they probably needed another 20-30 min.  It usually takes me 5:45-6 hours for 3 racks of baby backs.  Also, I don't open the door until at least the 5 1/2 hour point.  I don't sauce in the smoker, so I don't let any of that precious moisture out.  There are some here that sauce in the last hour, so it's a personal preference.
The fun is in the journey, Luke!  We've all learned a lot from each other here, and I look forward to learning from you.  Hang out here when you can, and here's to good Q!