Newbie in VA - need your bacon tips!


New member
Just bought a Model #2 and have more ideas in my head than I have time to execute!  Tried making Bacon Candy and was moderately pleased with the first batch, but it had a slightly "artificial" aftertaste.  The only thick-sliced bacon I could find was either apple wood or hickory smoked already. We're wondering if that could be the cause.  Was also told the brown sugar would absorb the smoke flavor quickly, so how to do I minimize that?  Anybody out there have pointers on what kind of bacon to start with?  And what wood type would not be too overpowering for such thin meat?  Thanks!
Here is a link of what I have done before, see how it compares.
How much wood did you use? I would think for this type of smoke 1-2 ounces of wood would be plenty.